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E-WMS - Stock diagnose

WMS documentation



This document describes the workings of E-WMS menu WMS, Checks, Stock diagnose, as available in product update 409.



From release 407, E-WMS uses its own stock balance table to improve performance.

Whenever using a balance table, there is a theoretical risk of inconsistency versus the base table. Under normal circumstances, E-WMS captures all stock transactions and inconsistency should not occur.

You can read more about the technique of the E-WMS stock balance table in this document.

Stock diagnose

To check whether there is inconsistency in item stock totals between Exact Globe Next Gbkmut and E-WMS SKUmut (and StockBalance), you can start Exact Globe Next menu WMS, Checks, Stock diagnose

When the screen shows, you first have to press 'Refresh'. The screen is not automatically updated when starting the application, due to performance considerations.  

After pressing Refresh, the screen will show basic inconsistency of item stock totals between Gbkmut and E-WMS Skumut, per warehouse, location item, and serial/batch number.

Please note that items only having inconsistency on sales units/SKU number level, are not shown in this screen, since the total warehouse stock is not inconsistent.

You have following options:

  • Repair only
    E-WMS will add correction totals ('counts') in standard sales units to SKUmut, so the totals between Gbkmut and SKUmut are matching again. This is the same action as when starting menu WMS, Checks, Rebuild stock balances.
  • Create count
    This means you generate a guided count from this screen. This can only be done successfully when there is currently no other count active. Instead of using this screen, you can always start an E-WMS count manually. When starting a count from this screen, the count 'range' will be automatically determined by the items you selected. This would be required when the stock inconsistency involves stock on SKUs.
  • SKU
    This button is only availabe when E-WMS SKU Management is enabled, and starts a new screen (see 'SKU Management' below).

The buttons 'Repair only' and 'Create count' are only available when you selected lines, and the action is applied to the selected lines.

Repair only

The 'Repair only' function will create new correction transactions in 'SKUmut', based on the stock found in Gbkmut, per warehouse, item, location and S/B number.

For SKU items however, the correction will likely involve stock on SKU numbers. In that case, only the inconsistency on Gbkmut stock level can be repaired this way, and a WMS count still has to be started to confirm the actual stock per SKU number.

Reference date

The 'reference date' in the diagnose screen was introduced in release 409.  The reference date is required to support any processed future stock transactions (intentional or not), and is applied as following:

  • The reference date is default set to '31-12-2299', involving all stock transactions 
  • This date is always used for filtering stock transactions, transactions beyond this date are disregarded
  • When the date is set to '31-12-2299' or to date more than 365 days in the future, repairs are done in WMS stock transactions using the date of 'today' for any future transactions found in Exact Globe Next
  • When the date is set to a date no more than 365 days in the future, repairs are done in WMS stock transactions using the reference date for any transactions with a future date found in Exact Globe Next
  • When creating a count from the diagnose screen, and the reference date is set to more than 365 days in the future then the count reference date is set to 'today'
  • When creating a count from the diagnose screen, and the reference date is set to no more than 365 days in the future then the count reference date is set to this reference date


SKU Management

When you license contains E-WMS II (SKU Management) and SKU Management is enabled, you will see the button SKU in the diagnose screen.   

When choosing the repair option 'Repair only', only stock totals (per warehouse, location, item and S/B number) are added as corrections to SKUmut, but no SKU numbers - since Gbkmut does not contain information about SKU numbers.

When you have inconsistency in SKU stock of SKU items, then only a WMS count (including SKU numbers) can solve that.

When pressing the SKU button, a new screen appears, in which a specific type of stock inconsistency is shown: inconsistency per item, on SKU number level.

In this screen, the 'reference date' is shown but cannot be changed.

These are inconsistencies where the totals per SKU number and in sales units are not correct.

In this case, inconsistency was forced for SKU item A2060, by processing a count in Exact Globe Next, resulting in a correction of -10 sales units, so without SKU number.


In menu WMS, Reports, Item/Stock view, this inconsistency would look like this:


The count in Exact Globe Next resulted in a stock position of -10 without SKU number (sales units), while in reality this 10 should have been issued from a SKU number.

This can only be solved by an E-WMS count.  That is why you are able to create a guided count from the diagnose screen.


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