It is possible to print bar codes on Globe layouts, like a production order printout. This enables your employees to scan the order number when using it, especially for production orders this can be a big help. The bar code can be scanned with mobile scan devices (like for E-WMS) but also with a scanner attached to your PC (keyboard wedge scanning), so the order number or item code can be scanned within an application like Exact Globe.
You can use one of the barcode fonts in attached file, to print bar codes within any Windows program that supports truetype fonts, so including Microsoft Office applications and Exact Globe Next. Extract the attached ZIP file to a new folder and then copy the two TTF (font) files, using Windows Explorer, to the folder C:\Windows\Fonts (or your own Windows fonts folder). Then the fonts will be automatically installed. After installation the fonts will be available within windows applcations with the names "Free 3 of 9" and "Free 3 of 9 Extended". The extended version supports more characters. In general, when using a code39 type bar code, any bar code should start and stop with an asterix ( * ).In Exact lay-outs, there are two ways to print these bar codes:1. calculated fields2. database fields with 'introductory' and 'subsequent' texts
Create a new calculation field in the desired 'block', and press 'Change expression'. Sample for an item code:
CONCAT("*";trim([Item code]);"*")
Set the length of the field to the length of the database field + 2.Then change this field to font type "Free 3 of 9" and make it rather large, like size 22 or larger.
Another method is to place just the database field itself, with prefix and suffix text '*'.'introductory' text = *'subsequent' text = *alignment database field = place next to previous field without spacealignment introductory text = align rightalignment subsequent text = place next to previous field without spacefont type = "Free 3 of 9"Sample for 'production order' field with method 'database field':
Microsoft Excel offers a lot of possibilities to generate bar code lists when using this font. You could generate (a range of) values in Excel, add prefix and suffix to these values, and print the result with the barcode font. This will generate a list of bar codes.
In this sample, following data is used:
Make sure to allow some space between the rows, otherwise scanning one particular bar code is more difficult.
Adding the prefix/suffix '*' is only mandatory when using this method to print bar codes. When printing CODE39 bar codes with bar code labeling software like Bartender, the prefix and suffix are automatically added by the software.
When using a barcode font in a Crystal Reports report, it may happen that the barcode font is not used. This seems to be related to the Exact Globe Next default printer font. When set to Verdana (or from 411: Open Sans), the barcode font may not print. When changing the default printer font to Arial, the barcode is printed again.
When this happens, the field to print in barcode font is probably a CR @formula field. You can change this @formula field to a combination of a text field and a formula field; then the barcode font may print again: