Microsoft Process Monitor (MPM) can be used to trace problems related to file or registry access, or to show which process may be the last to execute before an error occurred. Please note that MPM is not an Exact tool and not supported as such.
MPM can be downloaded here: Just copy the contents of the archive file to a new folder on the PC or server where you want to trace the problem, for example to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Process Monitor. The tool does not have to be installed, just run it from the new location. On first run, you will have to confirm to a license agreement.
When started, MPM will automatically start showing all processes currently running, with registry, file, network and process activity. In most trouble shooting scenarios, file tracing is enough. Disable registry, network and process trace by pressing these buttons:
Now you have to minimize the output of the trace by only showing the processes you want to see. You can filter out unwanted processes by right-clicking on a 'process name' and choosing Exclude:
Repeat this until you only see the process you are interested in (like Exact Globe processes). You can save a filter for later use.