For configuring IIS for release 410 or earlier on a Windows 2008 server, please see this document.
This document consists of following sections:
Go to Windows [Start, Settings, Control panel, Administrative tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager] (or: Start/RUN, Inetmgr) to start the IIS manager.
Set .NET to the required version for E-WMS: '.NET Framework v4.0.x' and leave 'Managed Pipeline Mode' at 'Integrated':
Press OK to save this new Application Pool.
If you just installed .NET Framework 4.5 but this version is not listed here in available .NET framework versions, then first reboot the server.
Now click on your new web site name on the left, in the center panel the web configuration icons will show.
Press the back button to return to the main configuration screen.
Choose your preferred regional settings. For example, selecting "En-US" will enable the decimal point (".") as decimal separator, selecting "Dutch NL-NL" will enable the comma as decimal separator on the mobile device. This setting applies for entry of quantities using decimals, or dates, on the mobile devices. This setting has to be re-configured after each E-WMS update (to be specific: due to overwriting the file Web.config during an update).
You can test the web site from within the IIS manager.
Start IIS manager, expand to the E-WMS web site, right click on the site, Manage Application, Browse, or click on the WMS web site name and select 'Browse *:80 (http)' in the far right panel.
This will start Internet Explorer for this site. You can also start IE on the server and browse to http://localhost/wms (replace 'wms' with your own web site alias).
When you the screen below, the web site works. You can close Internet Explorer.
The next test would be to start WMSclient on a scanner or on a PC and connect to the web site.
To test the proper workings of WMSclient, you have to login on the scanner and start a scan screen, for instance transfers, or stock info.