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E-WMS: Installation and configuration of Microsoft IIS on Windows 7 or Windows 8 - until release 410

WMS documentation


This document describes how to install and configure Microsoft IIS for E-WMS ASP on Windows 8 or Windows 7, until release 410.

For IIS installation and configuration from release 411, please see this document.



Installation of Microsoft IIS

  • Go to [Start/Control Panel/Programs and Features]
  • Click in the left panel on "Turn Windows features on or off”
  • Expand “Internet Information Services” and enable these options:
    • Web Management Tools, IIS6 Management Compatibility, check “II6 Scripting tools”
    • Web Management Tools, IIS Management console
    • Web Management Tools, IIS Management Scripts and Tools
    • Web Management Tools, IIS Management Service
  • At 'World Wide Web Services/ Application Development Features', enable :
    • .NET Extensibility
    • ASP
    • ASP.NET
  • At 'World Wide Web Services/Common Http features', enable:
    • Static Content


  • Click “OK” and let Windows update. This may take some time.

Configuration of IIS

  • Go to Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools and start “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”
  • In the left pane, expand server name, “Sites”, “Default web site”
  • Right-click on “Default web site” and choose “Add Application …” (not: virtual directory)

  • Alias = the name where the WMS site would be available, for instance "WMS"
  • Physical path = The path where the IIS files for WMS ASP are located, for example C:\E-WMS\IIS
    (note: these ASP files have to be extracted from the file which is downloaded with the Globe product update)
  • Click 'OK'.
  • Click on your WMS virtual directory in the left pane and double-click “Authentication” in the options screen, make sure that 'Anonymous Authentication' is enabled. WMS does not use the other authentication methods.

  • Click on your WMS virtual directory in the left pane and now double-click "ASP.Net Globalization" in the upper part of the middle pane. In this screen you can determine what regional settings to apply on the 'hand terminal', by setting the options 'Culture' and 'IU Culture'. This is especially important for input of decimals and dates on the hand terminal.

    Set these options to "English (United States) (en-us)" if you want to use the 'dot' as decimal sign. Set these options to "Dutch (Netherlands) (nl-nl)" if you want use the 'comma' as decimal sign. Keep in mind that on a hand terminal the 'dot'
    is often a separate key on the keyboard. When entering dates on the hand terminal, the format YYYY-MM-DD (2010-12-31) will always work, regardless of regional settings.

    English Us = enter decimals as 5.5 on the mobile device
    Dutch (NL) = enter decimals as 5,5 on the mobile device


Application Pool

In IIS, usage of non-default .NET usage or for instance usage of a 32bit application, is managed through IIS 'Application pools'. Application pools are also used to isolate web applications.

In release 410 and earlier, E-WMS ASP is a 32-bit web application, and requires .NET framework 3.5. Therefore it is required to link an application pool with specific settings.

Create a new Application Pool

Start the IIS manager and expand the server name. Right click on "Application Pools" and select Add Application Pool. Name the Application Pool, for instance E-WMS.


E-WMS (410 and earlier) requires following configuration:

  • .NET version 2.0.50727 ( = Framework 3.5, Framework 4 is not supported)
  • Managed pipeline mode = Classic

Press OK to save this new Application Pool.


Application Pool advanced settings

For release 410 and earlier and in 64-bit Windows, it is necessary to define a specific setting, which is only available in the Application Pool settings.

Start the IIS manager and expand the server name. Click on "Application Pools", a list with available Application Pools will show. Select the pool you want to use for E-WMS and then press right click, Advanced Settings

On a 64-bit server,  change the setting "Enable 32-bit Applications" to True and press OK.
Also make sure 'Managed Pipeline Mode' is set to 'Classic'.


Link Application Pool to E-WMS web site

When a specific Application Pool was configured for E-WMS, it still has to be linked to the E-WMS web site.

Start IIS manager, expand the server name, expand "Sites", expand "Default web site". Click on the E-WMS web site and choose Basic settings in the far right panel. Click on Select and choose the specific Application Pool which was created in the previous step:


Press OK to save this configuration.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 27.112.664
 Assortment:  Date: 12-05-2016
 Release:  Attachment: