This document shows some sample scenarios of using WMS Allocations, as introduced in product update 410.
This document contains following sample scenarios:
Scenario 1: producing SKUs for a specific sales order
Under the General section, WMS allocations is enabled and Allocation level is set to SKU.
In WMS Production Receipt settings, option Generate: WMS allocations is enabled.
A sales order is placed for 3 pallets of a SKU batch item:
Using the Conditions/Produce buttons, a new production order is created for this sales order.
The production order is received as 3 SKUs through E-WMS production receipts scanning, and processed:
From this view you can see that this item also has other batches on stock, from earlier production receipts.
A picking advice is generated for sales order 1074, advising the 3 allocated SKUs, instead of older batches which would normally be advised.
When rolling back this advice, and advising another sales order requiring a quantity of 1500, the allocated SKU numbers with batch number 15124 are ignored for this order.
Scenario 2: producing a batch for a specific sales order
'WMS allocations' is enabled and since this is a license without SKU Management, WMS allocations are automatically placed on serial/batch level.
In WMS Production Receipt settings, generation of WMS allocations is enabled.
A sales order is placed for quantity 50 of a batch make item, where no batch number is entered in the sales order line.
The batch item already has stock of an older batch (WMS Item/Stock view).
The sales order is allocated to an existing production order for quantity 100, using the Conditions/Allocate buttons, resulting in split lines in the production order.
The production order is received (quantity 100) and processed, using WMS Production Receipts:
The now created allocation is visible in menu WMS, To be processed, WMS Allocations and in WMS item/stock view.
Since WMS allocations are placed on the batch (or SKU) number, all of batch 150526 is currently allocated to the sales order.
A picking advice is generated for sales order 1127 for the allocated batch, the order is picked in the warehouse and processed.
After processing the sales order, the allocation for the remaining quantity of 50 is automatically removed (WMS Item/Stock view).
Scenario 3: receiving a purchased batch for a specific sales order
'WMS allocations' is enabled and since this is a license without SKU Management, allocation is automatically on serial/batch level.
In WMS Receipt Registration settings, generation of WMS allocations is enabled.
A sales order is placed for a batch item.
A purchase order is created by using buttons Conditions/Purchase in the sales order (1 case=10 sales units).
The purchase order is received and processed using WMS Receipts. After that, the allocation is visible in WMS Item/Stock view.
When generating a picking advice for sales order 1126, received allocated batch 50556 is advised.
Scenario 4: allocating existing stock to a project (411)
A SKU item has following stock:
The SKUs on the fist 3 locations needs to be allocated to project code '1060' (which is linked to sales orders 1059 and 1060).
Scenario 5: allocating new stock to a project (411)
Serial items are created through a assembly process, and these are received in WMS Stock Transactions, using WMS transaction codes with predefined project code and G/L account. The stock is to be assigned to specific sales orders by means of a project code, linked to these sales orders.