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Add-ons are additional applications offered to you apart from all the modules you are using. They are only available if you have customized solutions that are specifically developed for you. You can view the add-ons by going to the menu bar, click Help and then click About. Under the Add-on tab, you can view all the add-ons that are available to you. However, you can choose to disable the add-ons temporarily by selecting the Disable add-ons check box. You may want to do this as sometimes add-ons may cause problems to certain daily operations such as recording financial entries. Alternatively, go to System/General/Settings/Add-ons or click the Settings button on the toolbar and then click Add-ons to perform the disabling or enabling of add-ons function.


Disable add-ons

Select the Disable add-ons check box to disable the add-ons temporarily.

Note: Only the administrator can disable and enable the add-ons.

Click Yes to on the subsequent message to disable the add-ons or No to exit. If you click No, the add-ons will still be available to you. 

To enable the add-ons again, clear the Disable add-ons check box.

Click Yes on the subsequent message to enable the add-ons or No to exit.



Click Logbook to view all the information of the changes you have made in the settings.


Click Save to save the change you have made in the Disable add-ons check box.


Click Close to exit.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.571.581
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: