This document describes the support of production waste in E-WMS Production.
Waste in Exact Globe Next
When defining a bill of materials (BOM), or on entry of a production order, you can enter a waste percentage:
When 'Backflush' is enabled for this material line and when receiving the make item in Exact Globe Next or using E-WMS Production Receipts, the additional waste is automatically issued.
The waste issue is visible as a separate stock transaction on the item card, but is not shown as separate issue line in the production order.
When 'Backflush' is disabled, then when starting the production issue in Exact Globe Next, the additional waste issue is proposed in the issue screen, where the text "(Waste)" is added to the item description:
(Exact Globe Next production issue screen)
Guided issues
When using E-WMS Production Issues, you can use 'guided issues' or 'free issues'.
When using E-WMS guided issues ("issues with list"), the materials are gathered and picked before starting the production order, optionally using picking advice with expiration date advice, location advice and SKU advice. E-WMS then adds waste as extra material line, with changed item description:
(E-WMS picking advice, edit screen)
This waste issue is then picked as separate line on the scanner:
Free issues
Free issues are 'ad-hoc' registered on an E-WMS scanner, as materials are being used during the production process, without an advice or expectation sent to the scanner.
In this scenario there is no advice or indication on the scanner that the BOM contains waste, and that waste is to be issued.
However, when issuing a quantity 110 of a planned quantity 100 + 10 (waste), then E-WMS recognizes and assigns the waste issue, when reading back this issue:
This is only done when the planned total quantity (including waste) is being scanned and read back.
When scanning and reading back an issued quantity of 100 (while 100+10 waste was planned), then no waste is assigned yet by E-WMS on read-back.
Issuing more than planned
When issuing more than planned in the first issue (for example: one issue of 130 in above sample), then all of the additional quantity (30) will be processed as 'waste'.
When issuing extra material after the material line already has been completed (all planned quantity issued and processed), then the additional issue is added as regular issue line to the production order, not as waste.