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Exact Synergy Enterprise   




The FinPending background job validates and processes financial transactions that are imported from Microsoft Excel via the FinExcel background job. During the import, the transactions will first be placed in the TransactionsPending table because these transactions have the Unprocessed status. The FinPending background job will then validate these transactions and process them. In this case, this means that the transactios are moved from the TransactionsPending table to the Gbkmut table, where all processed transactions are stored.

Depending on the frequency of import for these financial transactions, the FinPending background job can adhere to the same frequency, of course after the import is completed.

Configuring background jobs

 The following tables are involved when running FinPending:

  • TransactionsPending This is the table where the transactions are located after being imported from Microsoft Excel sheets.
  • Gbkmut This is the table where the transactions are located after running FinPending.
  • BacoProcessLog A log entry is created in this table when running the FinPending.

FinPending first checks the TransactionsPending table for transactions that are entered manually. Transactions that are imported from Microsoft Excel sheets are also recognized as this. These transactions will be compared with the existing transactions in Gbkmut, based on EntryNo. If there are existing transactions with the same EntryNo, then those transactions will be deleted.

Subsequently after the checks have been performed, the imported transactions are moved from the TransactionsPending table to the Gbkmut table. The transactions in the TransactionsPending table will be deleted when the move is successful. The transactions are then regarded as Processed.

The old syntax is as follows:

C:\ProgramFiles\ExactSoftware\Synergy\bin\BacoImporter.exe /S:ServerName /D:DatabaseName /C:CompanyCode

The new syntax is as follows:

Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory> /ASSEMBLY:<bgJob Assembly> /CLASS:<bgJob Class>

This results in:

C:\ProgramFiles\ExactSoftware\Synergy\bin\Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:SynergyNET /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.FinPending /CLASS:FinPending /C:100,200


The FinPending background process supports the following parameters. The command line parameters are case sensitive.


References to the entry in the db.config file that contains the information about the location and the name of the database. Take note that the name of the virtual directory is case sensitive.


References to the dll storing the respective functions.


References to a specific function or task within the dll.


Lists the Division code to be executed For example, /C:100,200.


This shows the background job for validating and processing the imported financial transactions for divisions 100 and 200:


"<Installation directory>\bin\Exact.Process.exe" /DBCONFIG:<database virtualdirectory entry db.config> /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.FinPending/CLASS:FinPending /C:100,200


Syntax example:

"C:\Program Files\Exact Software\SYNNET\bin\Exact.Process.exe" /DBCONFIG:SYNNET390 /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.FinPending /CLASS:FinPending /C:100,200

Note: There are no specific settings in Exact Synergy Enterprise for this background application. However, the background job will only validate transactions that are available.


The FinPending background job validates imported financial transactions. When you use the FinExcel background job, the imported transactions will first be placed in the TransactionsPending table. The FinPending background job will then validate these transactions and move them to the Gbkmut table where all processed transactions are located.

This background application needs to be executed only when financial data is imported via Microsoft Excel sheets. For example, if the financial data is imported on a Friday, the background job needs to be executed only on that Friday evening or during the weekend.


Executed the background, but I still see many entries available in [Entries - To be processed] (from document: 15.557.875). Although, it can help to processed valid entries, but there are also some entries that cannot be processed by FinPending --> Refer document: 14.902.815 on some of the valid entries that cannot be processed automatically.

Related document


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 16.169.221
 Assortment:  Date: 19-05-2018
 Release: 390  Attachment:

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