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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Journals


File: finance\interf\ifjournal.p

Table: journl

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Possible values Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company     Field must be filled 100001 F
                A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 Journal-nr INT N3   Journal     Field must be filled 201001 F
                Cannot be greater then 999 201004 F
                Must be greater then 0 201005 F
3 Descr CHAR A25   Description     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001  
4 Abbrev CHAR A4   Abbreviation     Must be filled. 20003 W
                Cannot be more than 4. 20001 W
5 Journal-type INT N2   Type of journal Cash: 1 or {T-JOURNAL-TYPE-CASH}






Purchase: 7 or {T-JOURNAL-TYPE-PURCH}



  Must be filled. 20001 F
                Must be valid. 20001 F
                Cannot be changed. 201007 W
6 Trans-type INT N2   Transit subtype Yes: 1 or {T-YES-NO-YES}

No: 2 or {T-YES-NO-NO}

If ? given then no is filled If option BOE is on and journal-type is general then it must be filled. 20003 W
                If journal-type is Not Transit and journal-type is not bank then 0 is filled. -  
                If journal-type is not bank and not option GB functionality is on then 0 is filled. -  
                If ? or 0 and journal-type is bank then 1 (purchase) is filled. -  
                If ? or 0 then the default is set to 5 (Accruals). -  
            Purchases: 1 or {T-SUBTYPE-PURCHASES}

Sales: 2 or {T-SUBTYPE-SALES}

Nominal: 3 or {T-SUBTYPE-NOMINAL}

Cheques printing: 4 or {T-SUBTYPE-CHEQUES-PRINTING}

Accruals: 5 or {T-SUBTYPE-ACCRUALS}

Prepayments: 6 or {T-SUBTYPE-PREPAYMENTS}

Transit: 7 or {T-SUBTYPE-TRANSIT}

  Must be a valid value. 20001 F
                If journal-type is bank then only Purchase, Sales, Nominal and Cheques printing are allowed 20001 F
                If journal-type is general only Accruals is allowed. 20001 F
7 Deb-cred INT N2   Subsidiary ledger     If journal-type is not settlement then 0 is filled. -  
                If ? or 0 then 1 is filled. -  
            Debtor: 1 or {T-DEB-CRED-DEBIT}

Creditor: 2 or {T-DEB-CRED-CREDIT}

None: 3 or {T-DEB-CRED-NONE}

  Must be a valid value. 20001 W
8 Vat-handling INT N2   VAT handling     If journal-type is purchase then set to vat-purchase codes -  
                If journal-type is sales then set to vat-sales-codes -  
                If journal-type is VAT general then set VAT book -  
                If journal-type is transit then set to vat-no-handling -  
                If journal-type is settlement set to vat-no-handling -  
                If setting GSI is off and journal type is cash then set to vat-all-codes -  
                If setting GSI is off and journal-type is bank then set to vat-all-codes -  
                If setting GSI is off and journal-type is giro then set to vat-all-codes -  
                If setting GSI is off and journal-type is general then set to vat-all-codes -  
                If settings GSI is off then set to vat-no-handling -  
                If journal-type is cash then set to vat-no-handling -  
                If journal-type is giro 100802 F
                If journal-type is bank and value is not vat-no-handling and not vat-no-purchase code then set to vat-no-handling -  
                If journal-type is general then set to vat-no-handling -  
            No handling: 1 or {T-VAT-NO-HANDLING}

Purchase codes: 2 or {T-VAT-PURCH-CODES}

Sales codes: 3 or {T-VAT-SALES-CODES}

VAT book: 4 or {T-VAT-BOOK}

All codes: 5 or {T-VAT-ALL-CODES}

  Must be a valid value. 20003 W
9 Bank-acc-nr CHAR A34   Bank account     If ? then set to "" -  
                If journal-type is not bank then set to "" -  
10 Postbank-acc-nr CHAR A34   Postbank     If ? then set to "" -  
                If option NL is off then set to "" -  
                If journal-type is not giro then set to "" -  
11 Block-entry LOG True/False   Block entry number   False If ? then set to false -  
                If journal-type is settlement then set to false -  
12 Check-final-bal LOG True/False   Check CloseBal/Diff   False If ? then set to false -  
                If journal-type is settlement then set to false -  
                If journal-type is cash then set to false -  
                If option GB is on and journal-type is bank then set to false -  
13 Block-date LOG True/False   Block entry date   False If ? then set to false -  
14 Acc-nr CHAR A9 ledger Account     If journal type is VAT general then set to "" -  
                If journal type is general then set to "" -  
                If journal type is transit then set to "" -  
                If journal type is settlement then set to "" -  
                Cannot be changed. 201007 W
                Account cannot be empty. 200801 W
                Account may no be a journal account 201008 W
                If option bank is on or option payment creditors is on or option payment debtors is on

and option GB is off

then account number may not exist in acc-nr-transfer

201008 W
                Account cannot be a VAT account. 201009 W
                If journal-type is sales or purchase then there may not be a balance 201010 W
                The account number may not be used in the general ledger links. 201011 W
15 Acc-nr-def CHAR A9   Account number     Always set to "" -  
16 Acc-nr-transfer CHAR A9 ledger Payments in transit     If option GB is on the set to "" -  
                If journal type is not bank and journal type is not giro then set to "" -  
                Account cannot be empty. 200801 W
                Account may no be a journal account 201008 W
17 Curr-code CHAR A3 curren Currency   Default currency If ? or "" then set to the default currency -  
                Field must be filled 200401 W
                Currency with this code must exist. 200403 W
18 Change-curr LOG True/False   Variable currency   False If ? then set to false -  
                If journal type is cash then set to false -  
                If journal type is settlement then set to false -  
19 Current-rate LOG True/False   Variable exchange rate   False If ? then set to false -  
                If journal type is cash, bank or giro and curr-code is equal to default currency then set to false -  
                If journal type is settlement then set to false -  
20 Sceaction LOG True/False   Scenario   False If ? then set to false -  
                If journal type is VAT general then set to false -  
                If journal type is transit then set to false -  
                If journal type is settlement then set to false -  
21 Credit-note LOG True/False   Credit note   False Always set to false -  
22 Blocked LOG True/False   Block   False If ? then set to false -  
23 Descr-ml[1] CHAR A25   Multi language description 1     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
24 Descr-ml[2] CHAR A25   Multi language description 2     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
25 Descr-ml[3] CHAR A25   Multi language description 3     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
26 Descr-ml[4] CHAR A25   Multi language description 4     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
27 Descr-ml[5] CHAR A25   Multi language description 5     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
28 Rec-seq-nr INT N5   Reconciliation status sequence number     If ? then set to 0 -  
29 Date-rec DATE DDMMYYYY   Date of reconciliation     - -  
30 Balance-rec DEC N15,2   Balance of reconciliation     If ? then set to 0 -  
31 Ifall_block LOG True/False   Block for changes     If ? then set to false -  
32 Bnk-curr-code CHAR A3 curren Currency code of bank account number     If journal type is not bank or giro then set to "" -  
                If journal type is giro then set to default currency -  
                If currency code is filled ten set to currency code -  
33 Bal-after-entry DEC N15,4   Balance after entry     If ? then set to 0 -  
                If journal type is not cash, bank or giro then set to 0 -  
34 Bank-acc-type CHAR A3 bnktpe Bank account type     If bank-acc-nr is filled then and the bank number does not exist then it will be created with this bank type. If not filled then the default will be taken from the settings. -  
35 Postbank-acc-type CHAR A3 bnktpe Postbank account type     If postbank-acc-nr is filled then the post bank number does not exist then it will be created with this type. If not filled then the default will be taken from the settings. -  

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > Journals

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.705
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: