On this page, you can view the list of existing targets in the system. Targets, or commonly known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in most companies, should be defined before you can review the achievements of the targets by your people. The outcome of the review will determine the salaries of the people. Apart from viewing the list of targets, you can also create targets on this page.
To view the list of targets, function right 86 – View target agreement is required. User with the HR role have this function right.To create and modify targets, function right 95 – Maintain target agreement is required. Users with the HR role have this function right.
The information in this document is based on product update 251.
Keep in mind: All fields with the "!" icon are mandatory.
Click this to update the listing.
Click this to create a target. For more information, see Creating and modifying targets.
Click this to exit.
This displays the codes of the targets. You can click a hyperlink to view and modify the corresponding target. For more information, see Viewing targets. In addition, you can sort the listing by codes in ascending or descending order by clicking or respectively.
This displays the descriptions of the targets. You can sort the listing by descriptions in ascending or descending order by clicking or respectively.
This displays the field types of the targets.
This displays the achievements defined for the targets.