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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Currencies


File: finance\interf\ifcurren.p

Table name: curren

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company   Field must be filled 100001 F
              A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 curr-code CHAR A3   Currency code   Currency code cannot be empty 200401 F
              Field must fit in format 200404 F
3 descr CHAR A30   Description   If ? then set to ""; if more than 30 then truncated. 20001 W
4 abbrev CHAR A5   Abbreviation   If ? then set to ""; if more than 5 then truncated. 20001 W
5 emu_curr LOG True/False   EMU member False While updating existing record, this field cannot be updated. 200406 W
6 emu_date DATE DDMMYYYY   Date member of EMU   While updating existing record, this field cannot be updated. 200407 W
              While creating a new record, if it is not EMU member, then EMU date has to be empty. 200409 W
              While creating a new record, if it is set as EMU currency, then date of joining cannot be before 1st Jan. 1999. 200407 F
7 iso-cur-code CHAR A3   ISO currency   ISO currency code must not be empty 206201 F
              An ISO currency with this code must exist 206203 F
              There can only be one currency whose ISO-currency is EUR. 200410 F
              While updating EUR currency, its ISO currency cannot be changed. 200410 F
              If EMU conversion is done and not a single currency is having EUR as its ISO currency. Then while importing, the currency has to be set as EMU currency and date cannot be empty if its ISO currency is EUR. 200410 F
              If EMU conversion is done and not a single currency is having EUR as its ISO currency. Then no exchange rate should exist for the currency being imported if its ISO currency is EUR. 200410 F
8 price-prec INT N1   Precision for prices 3 If "" or ?, then set to 3.    
              Precision for price cannot be less than 0 and cannot be more than 4. 200408 F
              If the entries are existing for currency, then changing precision may have consequences. 200411 W
9 amt-prec INT N1   Precision for amounts 2 If "" or ?, then set to 2.    
              Precision for amount cannot be less than 0 and cannot be more than 4. 200408 F
              If the entries are existing for currency, then changing precision may have consequences. 200411 W
10 conv-factor DEC N10,2   Conversion factor 1.0 If it is zero or ?, it will be set as 1.0.    
              Must be greater than or equal to 1. 200412 F
11 current-rate LOG True/False   Variable exchange rate False For default currency, variable exchange rate cannot exist. 200405 W
12 acc-nr-exch-rate-differ-purch CHAR A9 ledger Foreign exchange loss purchase   For default currency this field must always be empty. 200405 W
              Account cannot be empty. 200801 F
              If filled account must exist. 200803 F
              If filled the account cannot be a journal account. 200807 F
              If filled the account cannot be a subtotal account or empty account. 200806 F
13 acc-nr-exch-rate-reven-purch CHAR A9 ledger Foreign exchange gain purchase   For default currency this field must always be empty. 200405 W
              Account cannot be empty. 200801 F
              If filled account must exist. 200803 F
              If filled the account cannot be a journal account. 200807 F
              If filled the account cannot be a subtotal account or empty account. 200806 F
14 acc-nr-exch-rate-differ-sales CHAR A9 ledger Foreign exchange loss sales   For default currency this field must always be empty. 200405 W
              Account cannot be empty. 200801 F
              If filled account must exist. 200803 F
              If filled the account cannot be a journal account. 200807 F
              If filled the account cannot be a subtotal account or empty account. 200806 F
15 acc-nr-exch-rate-reven-sales CHAR A9 ledger Foreign exchange gain sales   For default currency this field must always be empty. 200405 W
              Account cannot be empty. 200801 F
              If filled account must exist. 200803 F
              If filled the account cannot be a journal account. 200807 F
              If filled the account cannot be a subtotal account or empty account. 200806 F
16 acc-nr-revalue CHAR A9 ledger Unfavorable revaluations   For default currency this field must always be empty. 200405 W
              Account cannot be empty. 200801 F
              If filled account must exist. 200803 F
              If filled the account cannot be a journal account. 200807 F
              If filled the account cannot be a subtotal account or empty account. 200806 F
17 acc-nr-revalue-revenue CHAR A9 ledger Favorable revaluations   For default currency this field must always be empty. 200405 W
              Account cannot be empty. 200801 F
              If filled account must exist. 200803 F
              If filled the account cannot be a journal account. 200807 F
              If filled the account cannot be a subtotal account or empty account. 200806 F

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > Currencies

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.702
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: