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E-WMS hand terminal settings - SSCC shipment tracing

WMS documentation


This document describes the hand terminal settings for SSCC shipment tracing, in menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, SSCC Shipment Tracing settings. The functionality is available from product update 405 (ASP only).


Once hand terminal settings are defined, these need to be assigned to each device in menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, Scanners. You can use one general settings profile for all devices, or you can set up specific profiles per individual device. For each setting it is described whether it is supported for the E-WMS CAB client or for E-WMS ASP.

When using WMS ASP, starting a main menu on the hand terminal is enough to read changed settings.

After selecting menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, SSCC Shipment Tracing settings you can create a new profile by pressing New, or edit an existing profile by using Open. You can only delete profiles which are not linked to devices. The following are the available options:

  • General section
    • Validate: shipment complete
      This setting determines whether a warning message will be shown when not all expected SSCC's for the current shipment are scanned.
      When enabled: warning message "There are still SSCC numbers missing for this shipment. Do you still wish to stop scanning?" will show when you press STOP and select 'Order is done', and when one or more expected SSCC's  are not scanned yet.
    • SSCC number
      There are two ways of working with shipment numbers: Scan or Generate.
      Scan: the shipment number is scanned by you, so you already have pallet labels including pallet number and shipment number. This can be the case when you are using E-WMS 'generated' SSCC in order picking.
      Generate: a shipment number is automatically generated on the hand terminal as soon as you scan the first pallet.
    • Focus to
      This setting determines the scanning 'flow' or to what field you will return after each scan.
      SSCC number: you will return to 'SSCC number' after scanning each SSCC number. This will be efficient when scanning multiple pallets from one target to one source.
      Target: you will return to 'target' after scanning a SSCC number. This will be efficient when scanning single SSCC's from multiple targets.
      Source: you will return to 'source' after scanning a SSCC number. This will be efficient when scanning multiple SSCC's from one target to several sources.
    • Screen layout
      This setting determines whether you will see only the current scanning field, or all relevant information during scanning.
      Detailed: show all relevant information in each scanning screen
      Simple: show only one field (the current scanned field) in each scanning screen
      Detailed and simple scanning screens:
    • Use EAN128
      This setting determines whether EAN128 recognition is to be enabled for SSCC scanning. When your scanned shipment- or SSCC numbers start with prefix '00' then you have to enable this setting.
  • Reference section
    • Default reference
      You can enter a reference for a shipment, so not per SSCC but per shipment number. This reference is shown again in the SSCC Shipment report.
      This setting allows you to enter a default text to be used on the hand terminal.
    • Display which value
      This setting determines whether 'reference' is to be filled on the hand terminal, and how it is prefilled.
      Default value: prefills the default text from 'Reference: default reference' and allows changing it in the scanning process
      Never: prefills the default text from 'Reference: default reference' and does not show this field on the hand terminal (default value is silently applied)
      Empty: asks for input of reference while scanning, with no default text
  • Source section
    • Source: default value
      You can enter a default 'source' (for example, for a specific hand terminal)
    • Source: Display which value
      This setting determines whether 'source' is to be filled on the hand terminal, and how it is prefilled.
      Default value: prefills the default text from 'Source: default value' and allows scanning another source in the scanning process
      Never: prefills the default text from 'Source: default value' and does not show this field on the hand terminal (default source is silently applied)
      Empty: asks for input of source while scanning, with no default text
  • Target section
    • Target: default value
      You can enter a default 'target'
    • Target: Display which value
      This setting determines whether 'target' is to be filled on the hand terminal, and how it is prefilled.
      Default value: prefills the default text from 'Target: default value' and allows scanning another target in the scanning process
      Never: prefills the default text from 'Target: default value' and does not show this field on the hand terminal (default target is silently applied)
      Empty: asks for input of target while scanning, with no default text

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