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Advantages of using Pick-IT RF versus 'batch' communication



First some definitions:

RF communication: the scanner or terminal has a built-in WLAN card and can connect to an (intranet) WLAN network, reading and writing transactions directly to the SQL-database. The usage of RF background 'services' is possible, these services actively scan for completed transactions to be processed, and can, depending on settings, automatically process these transactions.

batch communication: the scanner has no direct contact with the database, but needs Microsoft Activesync on a PC to exchange master data and transactions. During picking, the transactions are stored on the scanner itself until reading back to Globe with Activesync.



Pick-IT RF (SE5760) is mandatory when:

  • Route Optimizing (SE5705) is used
  • Cross Docking is used (part of Route Optimizing)
  • You want to use multiple scan codes per item
  • You are using Citrix or Terminal Server for Globe, because an ActiveSync connection cannot be used here
  • You want to use the functionality 'Split deliveries per scanner' (see document Pick-IT settings: sales order fulfillment



Advantages of using RF

  • Settings and master data (items, suppliers, scan codes) are read directly from the SQL database, and do not have to be exported to the scanner. With batch communication, the user has to export settings or master data to each scanner, on each change of settings or master data.
  • When using RF, locations and batch/serial numbers are validated on the scanner.
    With batch communication, this is validated after reading back and validating in the Control Centre.
  • With batch communication, sales- and purchase order transactions have to be completed and read back in full before new pick orders can be uploaded to the scanner. With RF, new pick orders can be added or read back without disturbing the current workload. 
  • RF: Pick orders can be given to a specific scanner ID, or any RF scanner can pick from the 'pool' with pick orders having status 'Picking'. With batch, the terminal currently connected is always used. 
  • RF: The order picker can not delete pick orders (sales- or purchase orders) on the scanner, this can only be done in the Control Centre. With Activesync, this can be done on the terminal but the status
    in the Control Center also has to corrected by 'rolling back' this sales order.
  • With RF, Pick-IT stock reservations are updated directly (and in most cases even processed directly when using RF services). With batch communication only after uploading to Globe; so RF is much more 'real time' stock management then batch communication. 
  • Less pacing back-and-forth to the cradle. The cradle is only used for recharging, and in case you need to maintain or upload software updates to the scanner. 
  • The order picker can view stock positions on the scanner during specific process steps. This is not possible with batch communication. 
  • Real-time insight into the 'workload per scanner' with the Pick-IT RF monitor. 
  • History of order picker per order line is only registered when using RF. 
  • It is possible to use more than one administration (database) by choosing the company number on starting Pick-IT on the scanner. With batch communication, transactions are read into the currently active Control Centre - whatever current company that may be ... 
  • The Pick-IT scan code table (more than one scan code per item or using alternate package units) can only be used with RF



Extra considerations before/when using RF

  • extra investment; besides WLAN hardware and RF license, it is necessary to have the RF services run on a dedicated PC (2 CPU and 2 Gb RAM memory recommended, and not on the SQL-server itself). 
  • A RF site survey is recommended, before offering WLAN hardware (access points)
  • error log management; the RF-services process the transactions in the background. Errors are written to logs, the user has to start the Pick-IT RF-monitor to view errors and log messages. When using manual processing in the Pick-IT control centre, the user will see errors or messages directly. The RF services never print Pick-IT reports.
  • The RF-services can only handle one database. When using multiple Pick-IT databases (companies), dedicated RF-server PC's have to be used for each company separately. 
  • Scanners can be pre-installed with Pick-IT software (when using 'Pick-IT CAB' version), but have to be configured on-site with the customer WLAN settings and SQL database access. 
  • You still need cradles for charging and occasional software update. 
  • When updating Globe software, also the RF services have to be re-installed and re-configured. The Globe workstation installation has to be performed on the PC acting as RF-server.




Pick-IT RF and Central Warehouse Services: system requirements and functions


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 17.933.028
 Assortment:  Date: 11-03-2010
 Release:  Attachment:

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