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Exact Globe+   

Maintaining sectors

Menu path

System ➔ General ➔ CRM ➔ Sectors


In order to provide more information on the accounts that you are dealing with, Exact Globe Next allows you to define the sectors in which your accounts are operating.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 407 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I create sectors?

  1. In the main screen, click New. The Sectors screen will be displayed.
  2. Define the relevant fields.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Close.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I edit existing sectors?

  1. In the main screen, double-click or select the required sector.
  2. Click Open. The Sectors screen will be displayed.
  3. Make the required changes at the relevant field.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Close.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I delete sectors?

  1. In the main screen, select the required sector.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. The message “Depending on the size of your company, this function may take a long time because all files will be checked. Delete?” will be displayed.
  4. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel deletion.

How do I generate a report?

  1. In the main screen, click Report. The Report page will be displayed together with the details of the sectors.
  2. Click Printer settings to set up the page, click Export to change the format and the destination of the file, or click Print to print out the report.
  3. Click Close to exit.




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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
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 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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