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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - VAT codes

VAT codes

File name: finance/interf/ifvattrs.p

Table: vattrs

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Possible values Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company     Field must be filled 100001 F
                A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 vat-code CHAR A3   VAT code     Field must be filled 201801 F
                Cannot be more than 3. 201804 F
3 descr CHAR A30   Description     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
4 code-ps INT N2   Purchase/Sales Purchases: 1 or {T-PURCHASES}

Sales: 2 or {T-SALES}

Both: 3 or {T-BOTH}

3 or {T-BOTH} If ? or 0 then set to default ('Both'). -  
                Must be valid. 20003 W
                Field can only be filled while creating the record. 201807 W
5 vat-transfer LOG True/False   VAT charged   False If ? then set to false -  
                If Code-ps = Both then set to false -  
                If Vat-code = "0" then set to false -  
6 vat-perc DEC N3,2   VAT percentage     If ? Then set to 0 -  
                If Vat-code = "0" Then set to 0 -  
                If Vat-perc < 0 or Vat-perc > 100 then invalid value 20003 F
7 vat-descr CHAR A16   Description VAT percentage     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 16. 20001 W
8 exclus INT N2   Including/Excluding Exclusive: 1 or {T-EXCLUS-EXCLUSIVE}

Inclusive: 2 or {T-EXCLUS-INCLUSIVE}

Not applicable: 3 or {T-EXCLUS-N-A}

3 or {T-EXCLUS-N-A} If Vat-perc = 0 then set to not applicable -  
                If Vat-transfer = true then set to exclusive -  
                If ? then set to exclusive -  
                Must be valid. 20003 W
9 country CHAR A3 countr Country EC sales list     If Vat-listing = 'No VAT listing' then set to "" -  
                If filled, then a country with this code must exist. 200203  
10 vat-listing INT N2   EC sales list No VAT listing: 1 or {T-VAT-NO-LISTING}

Listing: 2 or {T-VAT-LISTING}

Listing goods to be processed: 3 or {T-VAT-LISTING-CUST}

Dispatch process/production work: 4 or {T-VAT-WAGES-CREATE}

Three-way transaction: 5 or {T-VAT-TRIANGLE}

  If Code-ps = Both then set to 'No VAT listing' -  
                If Vat-listing = ? Then set to 'No VAT listing' -  
                Must be valid. 20003 F
11 acc-nr CHAR A9 ledger Account VAT to claim     If Vat-perc = 0 then set to "" -  
                If Code-ps = Purchase then set to "" -  
                Account can not be empty. 200801 F
                Account may no be a journal account 200807 F
12 acc-nr-vat-sales CHAR A9 ledger Account VAT to pay     If Vat-perc = 0 then set to "" -  
                If Code-ps = Sales and vat-transfer=false then set to "" -  
                Account can not be empty. 200801 F
                Account may no be a journal account 200807 F
13 acc-nr-contra CHAR A9 ledger Offset account     Always set to "" -  
                Not in use    
14 Credit-note LOG True/False   Credit note     If not belgium functionality then set to false -  
                If ? then set to false -  
15 cred-vat-code CHAR A3 vattrs VAT code credit notes     If not Belgium functionality then set to "" -  
                If Credit-note = true then set to "" -  
                If filled, then this VAT code must exist. 201803 W
                The credit-note of the found VAT code must be true. 20003 F
16 vat-appro LOG True/False   VAT applicable   True If ? then set to true -  
                Not in use    
17 descr-ml[1] CHAR A30   ML description 1     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
18 Descr-ml[2] CHAR A30   ML description 2     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
19 Descr-ml[3] CHAR A30   ML description 3     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
20 Descr-ml[4] CHAR A30   ML description 4     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
21 Descr-ml[5] CHAR A30   ML description 5     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > VAT codes

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.706
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: