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Viewing debtor cards

Menu path

Go to Finance ➔ Accounts receivable ➔ Cards, and then click Display


This screen displays the financial transactions that are related to the debtor card. You can also filter the transactions to show only those that are required.

How do I view a debtor card?

  1. In the Cards screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select the relevant debtor account from the result section and click Display.

How do I print the financial entries of the selected debtor account?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Print.

How do I export all entries within the defined criteria to Microsoft Excel?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Export.

How do I view the graph and data for the debtor account by individual or cumulative months in Microsoft Excel?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Graph.

How do I display the details of the entries of the selected general ledger account?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Zoom.

How do I add a new note or to view existing notes for the financial entry?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Note.
  5. Type a note.
  6. For more information, see  Creating and maintaining notes

How do I attach a new document or to view the documents that are attached to the financial entry?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Attachment.
  5. Select a document and click Open to view the document or click New to attach a new document. For more information, see  Viewing attached documents.   

How do I display the outstanding invoices of the selected debtor account?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Aging.

How do I display the Sales invoice screen of a selected entry?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Details. For more information, see Creating and maintaining sales invoices

How do I edit or display the selected debtor account?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Maintain.

How do I match the invoice(s) with the relevant receipt(s)?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Match. For more information, see Matching entries.

How do I display the historical invoices of a selected entry at Invoice history screen?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Invoice. For more information, see  Overview of invoice history.  

How do I preview or print a reminder letter of the selected debtor for outstanding payment(s)?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Reminder.

How do I modify or update the selected entry with different criteria?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Change. For more information, see Changing transactions.   

How do I edit or create an entry?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Entry.

How do I display or update the financial transaction details of the selected entry at the Transaction screen?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Our ref.

How do I display or update the financial transaction details of the selected entry at the Your ref. screen?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Your ref.

How do I display or update the financial transaction details of the selected entry at the Terms screen?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Payment reference.

How view or edit the maintenance screen of the project linked to the selected entry?

  1. In the Debtor card screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select an account under the result section.
  4. Click Project.


You can filter the transactions that you want to display. To search for transactions, you can define one or more of the following criteria, and click Refresh. The transactions that match the search criteria you have entered are then displayed.


Click to hide or show the extra details.

Date/Reporting date/Financial year - Period

Type or select a date or range of dates or a financial period or range of financial periods linked to the creditor account. Select the All check box to search for all dates.

Note: The label of the field will depend on the range option you select at Range.


Select one of the following options to specify the display type accordingly:

  • Card
    Select this to display the transaction lines of the selected debtor account.
  • Receivables
    Select this to display all the outstanding receipts, sales invoices, direct invoices, credit notes, and others of the selected debtor account.
  • Invoice list
    Select this to display the invoice lists of the selected debtor account.
  • All
    Select this to display all financial entries related to the transaction lines.

Group by

Select one of the following groups to display the search results accordingly:

  • None
  • Our ref.
  • Your reference
  • Payment reference
  • Order number
  • Selection code
  • Item
  • Item group
  • Match ID
  • Cost center
  • Cost unit
  • Resource
  • Project
  • G/L
  • Journal
  • Offset account
  • Currency
  • Period
  • Offset account
  • Date
  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year

Note: The selection of the Group by option determines the buttons available at the bottom. None displays the most buttons available for your selection.


Select one of the following transaction types to display the search results accordingly:

  • All
  • Sales invoice
  • Sales credit note
  • Charge (financial)
  • Payment
  • Cash Receipt
  • Fulfillment
  • Returns: fulfillment
  • Receipt
  • Returns: receipts
  • Counts
  • Payroll
  • Revaluation
  • Disposal
  • Other
  • Reversal entry

Note: Transaction is disabled when you select Invoice list at Display under . By default, the system displays the transaction type as All.
When using the reversal entries functionality, you can now retrieve the balance totals from the debtor cards. The Use balance tables to improve performance check box on the Transaction totals page must be enabled.


Select one of the following date types to display the search results accordingly:

  • Date
  • Reporting date
  • Period
  • Fulfillment date 


Select the Unprocessed check box to display the search results according to the unprocessed entries. This check box is available when you select Card or All at Display under .

Show opening & closing balance

Select the Show opening & closing balance check box to display the opening and closing balance of the debtor card based on the defined date or reporting date range.

Note: This check box is available only if you select Card at Display and enter a date range at Date or Reporting Date. In addition, this check box is also available if you select Receivables at Display, enter a date range at Date or Reporting Date and then select the Show: Matched & Unmatched check box.

Payments in transit

Select one of the following payments in transit to display the search results accordingly:

  • All
  • Exclusive
  • Exclude

Note: This check box is available when you select Receivables at Display under . For more information on Payments in transit, see Related documents: Overview of payments in transit.

To be invoiced

Select the To be invoiced check box to display the search results according to the sales orders that are yet to be invoiced.

Note: This check box is available when you select Receivables at Display under .

Show: Matched & Unmatched

Select the Show: Matched & Unmatched check box to display the search results according to the matched and unmatched invoices within the specified date.

Note: This check box is available when you select Receivables at Display under . The Opening balance is also available when you select Show: Matched & Unmatched.

Show: Analytical values

Select the Show: Analytical values check box to display the search results by analytical values through Project, Cost center or Cost unit.

Note: This check box is available when you select Receivables at Display under .

Sales invoice

Select the Sales invoice check box to display the search results according to the transaction type of Sales invoice.

Note: This is available only when you select Invoice list at Display under .

Matching transactions icon

Click this to display only the matching transactions of the selected debtor account.

Note: This button is available when you select Receivables at Display under and selected Show: Matched & Unmatched check box.

Filter icon

Click this to show or hide the criteria as below:


Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word.

Our ref.

Type the our ref number of the entries to display the search results.

Your reference

Type the your reference of the entries to display the search results.


Type the order number to display the search results.

Entry number

Type the entry number to display the search results.


Type a full or partial description to display the search results that match this description.

GL account

Type or select a general ledger account to display the search results.


Type or select the required creditor to display the search results.

Note: This is enabled when you select All at Display under .


Type or select the required journal number to display the search results.

Note: This is enabled when you select All at Display under .


Type or select the required resource to display the search results.

Note: This is enabled when you select All at Display under .


Type or select the required item code to display the search results.

Note: This is enabled when you select All at Display under .


Type or select the required project to display the search results.

Cost center

Type or select a cost center to display the search results.

Cost unit

Type or select a cost unit to display the search results.


Type or select the required warehouse to display the search results.

Note: This is enabled when you select All at Display under .


Type or select the required currency to display the search results.

Selection code

Type or select the required selection code to display the search results.

Note: This is enabled when you select All at Display under .


Select one of the following conditions to display the search results accordingly:

  • All
  • equal to
  • not equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • between
  • not between

Note: By default, the system displays the condition as All.

Results section

This section lists the results of the search.

Note: When the Show: Matched & Unmatched check box  is selected, the actual payment date of a sales or purchase invoice will be displayed at the Date paid field by default after the Matched column at the Results section. 

Foreign currency icon

Click this to group and display the transactions by currency when more than one currency is created.

Note: This is available only when you select Card or Receivables at Display under .



Click this to update the results according to the defined criteria.


Click this to print the financial entries of the selected debtor account based on the defined criteria.


Click this to export all entries within the defined criteria to Microsoft Excel.


Click this to view the graph and data for the debtor account by individual or cumulative months in Microsoft Excel.


Click this to display the details of the entries of the selected general ledger account.

Note: This is available only when you select All at Display under and enabled only when you select an entry in the transaction lines.


Click to add a new note or to view existing notes for the financial entry. Type a note, click Save and then Close to exit. You can even indicate the creator, date and time of your entry by clicking the Timestamp icon. For more information, see Creating and maintaining notes.

Note: This is available only when you select Card at Display under and enabled only when you select an entry in the transaction lines.


Click this to attach a new document or to view the documents that are attached to the financial entry. Select a document and click Open to view the document or click New to attach a new document. Click Close to exit. For more information, see  Viewing attached documents.

Note: This is available only when you select Card at Display under and enabled only when you select an entry in the transaction lines.


Click this to display the outstanding invoices of the selected debtor account.


Click this to display the Sales invoice screen of a selected entry. For more information, see Creating and maintaining sales invoices.

Note: This is available only when you select Card, Receivables or Invoice list at Display under and enabled only when you select an entry in the transaction lines.


Click this to edit or display the selected debtor account.


Click this to match the invoice(s) with the relevant receipt(s). For more information on matching entries, see Matching entries.


Click this to display the historical invoices of a selected entry at Invoice history screen. For more information, see Overview of invoice history

Note: This is available only when you select Card or Receivables at Display under and enabled only when you select a processed entry in the transaction lines.


Click this to preview or print a reminder letter of the selected debtor for outstanding payment(s).

Note: This is available only when you select Receivables at Display under .


Click this to modify or update the selected entry with different criteria. For more information, see Changing transactions.  

Note: This is available only when you select Card at Display under and enabled only when you select an entry in the transaction lines.

The Transactions section is displayed when you click on the Advanced button in Change screen. Click the Simple button to hide the Transactions section.


Click this to display, edit or create an entry. You can also perform further actions to display and maintain the entry card or create a new debtor card.

Note: The Entry button is available only when you select Card at Display under and enabled only if you select an entry in the transaction lines.

Our ref.

Click this to display or update the financial transaction details of the selected entry at the Transaction screen. You will see all the transactions grouped by the Our ref. number.

Note: This is available only when you select Card, Receivables or Invoice list at Display under and enabled only if you select an entry in the transaction lines.

Your ref.

Click this to display or update the financial transaction details of the selected entry at the Your ref. screen.

Note: This is available only when you select Card, Receivables or Invoice list at Display under and enabled only if you select an entry in the transaction lines.

Payment reference

Click this to display or update the financial transaction details of the selected entry at the Terms screen. You will see all the transactions related to the same payment reference.

Note: This is available only when you select Receivables or Invoice list at Display under and enabled only when you have selected an entry in the transaction lines. Also, the Payment reference button is disabled when the payment reference column is blank.


Click this to view or edit the maintenance screen of the project linked to the selected entry.


Click this to exit.

Related documents

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 14.215.636
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 403  Attachment:

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