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7.25 Changes in webservices Exact Financials

To get webservices working some issues have to be addressed concerning users and security.

In the ideal situation a webservice user does only have rights on the webservices (and NO rights on WebClient or WebUI) and is linked to a user group which only has permission on the menu items which are needed by the external application. For every external application a separate user/user group should be created (traceability of entries).

The issues:

In the 'old' licensestructure a user will only be counted as an active user when a application is linked to the user. (The user with only rights on webservices does not need an application like 'Finance'). So for every external Webservice application a separate usergroup with only rights needed can be created.

When a 'new' license type is used (EF Suite) every user with a status 'Active' is counted. Creating a user/user group for every external application may be expensive but it's the best way to be secure and you can trace which (webservice)user has created/changed records.
So quality has it's price and should be discussed with the customer.

It used to be practice that during the installation of Exact Financials all webservices where deployed and the user with the webservice rights was linked to the group 'Everyone'. To improve security only the needed webservices should be deployed and the user group which is linked to the webservice user should only have permissions on the menu's

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 28.998.074
 Assortment:  Date: 24-11-2021
 Release:  Attachment: