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Printing labels for resources

Menu paths

  • HR ➔ Human resources ➔ Labels
  • Payroll ➔ Human resources ➔ Labels


In this screen, you can print labels for your resources. Each label consists of details of a resource such as the full name of the resource, address, country, job title, and more. You can also customize the details to be included in the label at Resource labels at System ➔ General ➔ Settings, in Documents settings under the HRM section. These printed labels can be pasted on envelopes for correspondence purposes.


You can filter the print preview of the labels for resources that you want to print by defining one or more of the following criteria. The print preview of the labels that matches the defined criteria will be generated when you click Print. You can print the labels after the preview is generated. A list of options will be displayed if you click 1-Search at Layout, Cost center, and other fields. From the list, select an option and click Select (or in some cases, click OK).

Selection section


Type or select the layout of the item labels. This is mandatory. By default, a layout is automatically selected. This layout is defined at Resource labels at System ➔ General ➔ Settings, in Documents settings under the HRM section.

Sort by

Select Resource ID, First name, or Last name to sort the labels by the selected option.

Range section

Cost center, to

Type or select the cost center ID or range of cost center IDs to print the labels for the resources belonging to the selected cost center(s). By default, the All check box is selected to print the labels for the resources belonging to any cost center.

Job group, to

Type or select the job group code or range of job group codes to print the labels for the resources with the selected job group(s). By default, the All check box is selected to print the labels for the resources belonging to any job group.

Resource, to

Type or select the resource ID or range of resource IDs to print the labels for the selected resource(s). By default, the All check box is selected to print the labels for all resources.

Include section


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Active status.


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Inactive status.


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Hired status.

Type section


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Employee employment type.


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Contractor employment type.


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Student employment type.


Select this check box to print the labels for resources with the Temporary employment type.

Printer settings section

Number of copies

Type the number of labels that you want to print for the selected item(s). This is mandatory.



Click this to display a list of resources that matches the defined criteria. You can then select the resources that you want to print the labels for.


Click this to generate and view the print preview of the labels for resources. You can print the labels for resources by clicking  Print document.


Click this to exit.

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