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Viewing dispatch board schedule view for Service management

Menu path

Modules ➔ Service management ➔ Reports ➔ Service activities ➔ Dispatch board schedule view


The dispatch board schedule view offers an insight to the service activities to be planned, such as activities that have dates defined, but without people assigned, and services that have been assigned to the people. Using the dispatch board schedule view, you can easily manage the service activities, schedule service appointments, plan activities, and view the workload of the people.

The dispatch board schedule view also displays all the activities of the people and the information of the appointments. The appointments can be dragged and dropped to another date and/or time, and the information in the related service requests will be changed. If the person is not working or it is a public holiday, grey will be displayed on the grid. The HR requests, such as the Absence, Person, and Out of office requests that have been defined in the Planning section under the Actions tab on the Workflow: Request type page will also be displayed on the dispatch board schedule view. For more information, see Creating and modifying request types – Actions tab. The HR requests will be displayed in colors on the dispatch board schedule view based on the color selected (for each type of request) at Color in the General section under the General tab on the Workflow: Request type page. For more information, see Creating and modifying request types – General tab.

The dispatch board schedule view displays the people based on the people selected at the resource group and division. If a person has an appointment, the personal card of the person can be viewed by clicking the name of the person.

Roles and rights

To view the dispatch board schedule view, function right 852 – View service planboard is required. Users with the Service desk, Service engineer, Service planner, or Service manager role have this function right.

To customize the dispatch board schedule view, function right 872 – Maintain service planboard is required. Users with the Service planner or Service manager role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Roles.
  • The Service desk, Service engineer, Service planner, and Service manager roles can be added only if the Service management license role has been added. For more information, see Service management role.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 258 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

What can I view and do on the dispatch board schedule view page?

  1. The dispatch board schedule view is displayed with a title bar, Help icon, Customize icon, and Favorites icon. You can also display the page without the header or menu frame by clicking Fullscreen.
  2. The dispatch board schedule view will display the appointments of the people for the current week.
  3. The appointments can be moved when you drag and drop the appointments to another date and/or time, and the information in the related service activity requests will be changed.
  4. The appointments can be deleted from the dispatch board schedule view by clicking on the appointments. However, only appointments with the “Open” status can be deleted.
  5. The people are displayed based on the resource group and division. You can add people to the resource group by clicking  at the Planning section. You can also select the resource group at the Planning section to view the people under the resource group.
  6. The names of the people are displayed on the left of the dispatch board schedule view. You can click the name of a person to display the personal card. However, the personal card can be displayed only if the person has an appointment.
  7. The working and non-working hours of the people are displayed. If the person is not working or it is a public holiday, grey will be displayed on the grid. The error message “Item is dragged outside the working schedule” will be displayed if the service activity is dragged to a non-working hour.
  8. The HR requests, such as the Absence, Person, and Out of office requests that have been defined in the Planning section under the Actions tab on the Workflow: Request type page will be displayed on the dispatch board schedule view. For more information on HR requests, see Creating and modifying request types – Actions tab. The requests will be displayed in colors on the dispatch board schedule view based on the color selected (for each type of request) at Color in the General section under the General tab on the Workflow: Request type page. However, only the color (without information) will be displayed. For more information on request colors, see Creating and modifying request types – General tab.
  9. The Dispatch board schedule view page will refresh the data automatically every 30 seconds. By default, 30 seconds is displayed at Auto refresh under the General section on the dispatch board schedule view customize page. You can customize the settings by clicking the Customize icon.
  10. You can search for the appointments under the To be planned section and drag and drop the appointments to the grid. The information of the appointments under this section can be customized by clicking Customize.
  11. You can specify which data to be displayed by clicking the  Customize icon.
  12. The current week will be highlighted on the calendar under the To be planned section. If another date is selected, the whole week on which the selected date falls will be highlighted, and the dispatch board schedule view will display the week that was selected on the calendar.
  13. You can define the number of days at View and date range at Range to view the appointments for the dates defined.

Keep in mind: When the HR requests without an end date are created, the requests will be displayed in the dispatch board schedule view up till the current date.

How do I customize the dispatch board schedule view?

  1. On the Dispatch board schedule view page, click the Customize icon.
  2. Make the necessary changes under the General, Activity, To be planned, and Activity: Tooltip sections.
  3. Click Save.

Tips and tricks

You can customize the information that you want to be displayed on the page by clicking Customize. For more information, see Customizing dispatch board schedule view for Service management.



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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 26.698.542
 Assortment:  Date: 03-12-2019
 Release: 257  Attachment:

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