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HRM menu

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Modules HRM


This page displays three tabs: Entry, Reports, and Setup, which contains all functions and/or processes for the HRM module.

Roles and rights


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules System Security Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, got to Modules System Security Setup Roles.  

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 255 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

Entry tab

HRM section


Click this to create applicants. For more information, see Creating applicants.

Applicant batch entry

Click this to create multiple applicants in a single entry. For more information, see Creating multiple applicants.


Click this to create an entry for a person. For more information, see Creating and modifying entries for people.


Click this to create vacancies. For more information, see Creating and modifying vacancies.

Authorize HR changes

Click this to view the changes that require authorization from HR before the changes made are applied to the personal card. You can also authorize or reject the changes at this page. For more information, see Authorizing HR changes.

Intelligent Process Cockpit

Click this to view the actions that need to be set to alert the HR employees on certain activities. For more information, see Intelligent process cockpit.

Import: Applicants

Click this to import the data of new and existing applicants to Exact Synergy Enterprise. You can also save the file containing the data as an Exact Synergy Enterprise document if you define the document type to be used at the HRM general settings. For more information see Defining HRM general settings and Importing applicants.

Absence section

Multiple: Absence

Click this to create multiple absence requests. For more information, see Creating multiple absence requests.

Stock options section


Click this to view employee stock options. For more information, see Viewing stock options report.

Payroll section


Click this to adjust payroll entries. For more information, see Adjusting payroll.

Reports tab

People section


Click this to view a list of people, applicants, contractors, students, temporary employees, and/or vacancies. For more information, see Searching resources and vacancies.

Organization chart

Click this to view the HR organization charts. For more information, see Viewing organization chart.


Click this to view the headcount reports. For more information, see Viewing headcount reports.

Pivot analysis

Click this to generate the pivot analysis report. For more information, see Pivot analysis for HRM.

Cost analysis

Click this to view the cost analysis report. For more information, see Cost analysis for HRM.


Click this to view the hierarchy of employees. For more information, see Viewing hierarchy of resources.


Click this to view all employees within your company. For more information, see Viewing resources.


Click this to view a list of applicants. For more information, see Viewing applicants.


Click this to view a list of vacancies. For more information, see Viewing vacancies.


Click this to view the list of managers in the organization. For more information, see Viewing managers.


Click this to view the employees’ contracts. For more information, see Viewing employment contracts.


Click this to view the anniversary list of employees. For more information, see Viewing anniversary list.


Click this to view all entitlements for employees in a group within an organization. For more information, see Viewing absence entitlements report.


Click this to view absence days due to sickness or pregnancy. For more information, see Viewing absence report of resources.


Click this to view all employees who have the defined competences in their active profiles. For more information, see Viewing resources-competences matching report.

Statistics section


Click this to view the number of used and balance absence days. For more information, see Viewing absence statistics.

Absence: ABC analysis

Click this to display the percentage of employees. For more information, see ABC analysis for HRM.


Click this to view all the employees’ age within an organization. For more information, see Viewing age statistics of resources.


Click this to view the rating statistics of employees. For more information, see Viewing rating statistics of resources.

Inflow / Outflow

Click this to view the inflow and outflow statistics of the employees. For more information, see Viewing inflow and outflow statistics of resources.

Job group

Click this to view the job group statistics of employees. For more information, see Viewing job group statistics of resources.

Security level / Job level

Click this to view the security and job levels of employees. For more information, see Viewing security and job level statistics.

Rating by competence

Click this to view the competency rating statistics. For more information, see Viewing competency rating statistics.

Headcount by competence

Click this to view the competency report by headcount. For more information, see Viewing competency report by headcount.

Note: This is only available if the competency method is defined as Advanced in the general settings. For more information on general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Rating by performance review

Click this to view the performance review rating statistics. For more information, see Viewing performance review rating statistics.

Headcount by performance review

Click this to view the performance review report by headcount. For more information, see Viewing performance review report by headcount.


Click this to view the statistics of applicants within an organization. For more information, see Viewing statistics of applicants.

Work schedule

Click this to view all work schedules that are linked to employees or vice versa. For more information, see Generating reports on work schedule groups and resources.

Financial section


Click this to view the assets based on the requests information. For more information, see Viewing assets report of the division.

Purchase limit

Click this to view the purchase limits of employees. For more information, see Viewing purchase limit report.

Planning section


Click this to view the planning of employees and items. For more information, see Viewing HRM planning report.


Click this to view the absence planning of employees within an organization. For more information, see Viewing absence planning report.


Click this to view the personal planning of employees within an organization. For more information, see Viewing personal planning report.


Click this to view the subordinate’s planning for a manager. For more information, see Viewing subordinates planning report.

Cost centre

Click this to view the planning of a cost center. For more information, see Viewing cost center or division planning report.


Click this to view the planning of a division. For more information, see Viewing cost center or division planning report.

Public holidays

Click this to view the public holidays observed by an organization. For more information, see Viewing public holidays.

Miscellaneous section


Click this to view the log of a person’s personnel details. For more information, see Viewing log of resource.

Log: Mail merge

Click this to view a log report that displays the status of the mail merges created for your employees. For more information, see Mail merge log report.

Login: Current

Click this to view the current system activities carried out by the users of Exact Synergy Enterprise. For more information, see Current system activities report.

Login: History

Click this to display the page views history. For more information, see Page views - history report.


Click this to view the activities of employees. For more information, see Viewing activities of resources.


Click this to view a list of trainings attended by the employees. For more information, see Viewing training report of resources.

Test: Scores

Click this to view the tests scores results, polls, and quality analysis of the employees. For more information, see Viewing test scores.

Read: Recent

Click this to trace the past activities carried out by your employees. For more information, see Activity history report.

Stock options section


Click this to view all stock option transactions. For more information, see Viewing stock option transactions.

Payroll section


Click this to access divisions, entries, journal entries, and component payroll reports. For more information, see Viewing payroll divisions report, Viewing payroll entries report, Viewing payroll journal entries report, and Viewing payroll component list report.

Matching section


Click this to begin the matching process to find the most suitable vacancies for an applicant or to find the most suitable applicants for a vacancy. For more information, see Shortlisting vacancies for applicant via matching wizard and Shortlisting applicants for vacancy via matching wizard respectively.

Reporting Services Integration section


Click this to view reports that are categorized under the HRM report group. For more information, see Overview of reporting services integration reports.

Setup tab

Organization section

Groups: Division

Click this to view the division groups. For more information, see Overview of group layouts.


Click this to view, create, and/or edit divisions. For more information, see Overview of divisions and Creating and modifying divisions.

Groups: Cost centres

Click this to view the cost center groups. For more information, see Overview of cost center group layouts.

Cost centres

Click this to view, create, and/or delete cost centers. For more information, see Overview of cost centers and Creating and modifying cost centers.

Cost units

Click this to view, create, and/or delete cost units. For more information, see Overview of cost units and Creating and modifying cost units.


Click this to view, create, and/or delete locations. For more information, see Overview of locations and Creating and modifying locations.


Click this to view and/or create roles in the system. For more information, see Overview of roles and Creating roles.

Bank accounts

Click this to view, create, and/or delete bank accounts. For more information, see Overview of bank account types and Creating and modifying bank account types.

Schedules section

Default work schedule

Click this to view the listing of work schedules for default (corporate) and divisions. For more information, see Listing of work schedules for corporate and divisions.

Work schedules

Click this to view, create, or modify the work schedules of individuals. For more information, see Listing of individual work schedules and Creating and maintaining individual work schedules.

Work schedule grouping

Click this to create work schedule groups to group multiple work schedules together. For more information, see Creating work schedule groups.

Note: This is only available if the advanced work schedule option in the general settings has been activated. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Work schedule linking

Click this to:

  • link multiple work schedule groups to a person,
  • link a work schedule group to one person or more,
  • unlink work schedule groups from the selected person/people,
  • block work schedule groups from the selected person/people, or
  • unblock work schedule groups from the selected person/people.

For more information, see Linking multiple work schedule groups to a resource, and Linking, unlinking, blocking, and unblocking work schedule groups to or from resources.

Note: This is only available if the advanced work schedule option in the general settings has been activated. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Public holidays

Click this to view, create, or copy public holidays. For more information, see Overview of public holidays, Creating public holidays, and Copying public holiday entries.

Generate: MRS

Click this to generate the Master Resource Schedule (MRS) for employees. For more information, see Generating MRS.

Inconsistent: FTE

Click this to view the inconsistencies of the Full Time Equivalents (FTE) of all employees. For more information, see Overview of inconsistent FTEs.

Payroll section


Click this to access settings, scales, components, and component groups. For more information, see Defining and modifying payroll settings, Viewing payroll scale listing, Viewing payroll components, and Viewing payroll component groups.

Exact Online

Click this to link Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Online administrations. For more information, see Linking administrations between Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Online.

General section


Click this to view and define the HRM general settings. For more information, see Defining HRM general settings.

Job groups

Click this to view, create, and/or delete job groups. For more information, see Overview of job groups and Creating and modifying job groups.

Job activities

Click this to view, create, and/or delete job activities. For more information, see Overview of job activities and Creating and modifying job activities.

Job titles

Click this to view, create, and/or delete job titles. For more information, see Overview of job titles and Creating and modifying job titles.

Free fields

Click this to view and modify the available free fields. For more information, see Overview of free fields and Defining free fields.

Fields: To be authorised

Click this to view and/or modify fields that require authorization from HR when changes are made. For more information, see Overview of fields to be authorized and Setting up fields to be authorized.

Competency management section

Field types

Click this to view the list of field types. For more information, see Viewing field types listing for competency management, performance review management, and target agreement functionalities.


Click this to view and/or create competences. For more information, see Viewing competences listing and Creating and modifying competences.

Note: This function is available only if the competency method is defined as Advanced under the Competency section in the general settings. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Competence groups

Click this to view the list of competency groups. For more information, see Viewing competency groups listing.

Note: This function is available only if the competency method is defined as Advanced under the Competency section in the general settings. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Generate competence profile

Click this to generate the competency profiles for employees. For more information, see Generating competency profiles.

Note: This function is available only if the competency method is defined as Advanced under the Competency section in the general settings. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Generate competence request

Click this to generate the requests for competency profiles that have been created. For more information, see Generating competency requests.

Note: This function is available only if the competency method is defined as Advanced under the Competency section in the general settings. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Resume types

Click this to view and/or create resume types. For more information, see Listing resume types, Creating resume \ypes, and Resume management in Exact Synergy Enterprise.

Reset: Ratings

Click this to reset the current ratings of the employees. For more information, see Resetting ratings.


Click this to view and/or define a list of competences. For more information, see Viewing list of competences and Modifying competences.

Note: This function is available only if the competency method is defined as Simple under the Competency section in the general settings. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Performance review management section

Field types

Click this to view the list of field types. For more information, see Viewing field types listing for competency management, performance review management, and target agreement functionalities.

Performance indicators

Click this to view and/or create attributes. For more information, see Viewing performance indicators listing and Creating and modifying performance indicators.

Performance review groups

Click this to view the list of performance review groups. For more information, see Viewing performance review groups listing.

Generate performance review profile

Click this to generate the performance review profiles for employees. For more information, see Generating performance review profiles.

Generate performance review request

Click this to generate the requests for performance review profiles that have been created. For more information, see Generating performance review requests.

Job activity - competence link

Click this to display all links between performance review groups and job activities. For more information, see Overview of performance review groups per job activity.

Note: This is available only if Advanced is selected at Performance indicators: Method under the Performance review section in the general settings. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Target agreement section

Field types

Click this to view the list of field types. For more information, see Viewing field types listing for competency management, performance review management, and target agreement functionalities.


Click this to view and/or create targets. For more information, see Viewing targets listing and Creating and modifying targets.

Target agreement groups

Click this to create a target agreement group. You need to define the target agreement settings for both corporate and division levels before you can access this application. For more information, see Creating target agreement groups and Target agreement management in Exact Synergy Enterprise.

Generate target agreement profile

Click this to copy a target agreement profile from one person to another. You need to define the target agreement settings for both corporate and division levels before you can access this application. For more information, see Copying target agreement profiles and Target agreement management in Exact Synergy Enterprise.

Generate target agreement request

Click this to display the employees that are linked to target agreement profiles and create requests to the reviewers via workflow. The purpose of sending the request is to initiate the target agreement review cycle, starting with a request to the reviewer to set targets with his subordinate, based on the created target agreement profiles. Apart from that, you can also monitor the status of each target agreement profile from this page. You need to define the target agreement settings for both corporate and division levels before you can access this application. For more information, see Creating target agreement requests and Target agreement management in Exact Synergy Enterprise.

Miscellaneous section


Click this to transfer a person’s job responsibilities and other relevant matters. For more information, see HRM transfer management.

Period closing

Click this to close the period for a selected division. For more information, see Period closing for HRM.

Note: This function is available only if you have selected None or Divisions (Settings) in the Calculation - Entitlements: Automatically field in the general settings, under the Absence section. For more information on the general settings, see Defining HRM general settings.

Update: Effective date

Click this to manually update the effective date of a change in a division record. For more information, see Updating effective date.

Doubles: Person

Click this to search for duplicate employee entries. For more information, see Searching for duplicate resource entries.

Intelligent process flow management section

Process types

Click this to view the HR activities that are monitored by the system. For more information, see Viewing HRM process types.

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