Ondersteunde lettertypes Exact PDF generator
In de documentinstellingen kunt u bij het veld 'PDF generator' aangeven of u gebruik wilt maken van de Nova PDF generator of de Exact PDF generator. Wanneer u de optie 'Exact PDF' selecteert dan worden alleen bepaalde lettertypes ondersteund.
In onderstaande tabel vindt u een overzicht van de ondersteunde lettertypes:
Ondersteund lettertype |
Niet ondersteund lettertype |
Agency FB |
3 of 9 Barcode |
Aharoni |
Algerian |
Andalus |
Angsana New |
AngsanaUPC |
Aparajita |
Arabic Typesetting |
Arial |
Arial Black |
Arial Narrow |
Arial Rounded MT Bold |
Arial Unicode MS |
Baskerville Old Face |
Batang |
BatangChe |
Bauhaus 93 |
Bell MT |
Berlin Sans FB |
Berlin Sans FB Demi |
Bernard MT Condensed |
Blackadder ITC |
Bodoni MT |
Bodoni MT Black |
Bodoni MT Condensed |
Bodoni MT Poster Compressed |
Book Antiqua |
Bookman Old Style |
Bookshelf Symbol 7 |
Bradley Hand ITC |
Britannic Bold |
Broadway |
Browallia New |
BrowalliaUPC |
Brush Script MT |
Calibri |
Californian FB |
Calisto MT |
Cambria |
Cambria Math |
Candara |
Castellar |
Centaur |
Century |
Century Gothic |
Century Schoolbook |
Chiller |
Code-39-20 |
Code25L |
Code25LHr |
Code25M |
Code25Mhr |
Code25S |
Code25SHr |
Code25XL |
Code25XLHr |
Code25XS |
Code25XSHr |
Code25XXL |
Code25XXLHr |
Code25XXS |
Code25XXSHr |
Code-39-20 |
Colonna MT |
Comic Sans MS |
Consolas |
Constantia |
Cooper Black |
Copperplate Gothic Bold |
Copperplate Gothic Light |
Corbel |
Cordia New |
CordiaUPC |
Courier New |
Curlz MT |
DaunPenh |
David |
DFKai-SB |
DilleniaUPC |
DokChampa |
Dotum |
DotumChe |
Ebrima |
Edwardian Script ITC |
Elephant |
Engravers MT |
Eras Bold ITC |
Eras Demi ITC |
Eras Light ITC |
Eras Medium ITC |
Estrangelo Edessa |
EucrosiaUPC |
Euphemia |
FangSong |
Felix Titling |
Footlight MT Light |
Forte |
Franklin Gothic Book |
Franklin Gothic Demi |
Franklin Gothic Demi Cond |
Franklin Gothic Heavy |
Franklin Gothic Medium |
Franklin Gothic Medium Cond |
FrankRuehl |
FreesiaUPC |
Freestyle Script |
French Script MT |
Gabriola |
Garamond |
Gautami |
Georgia |
Gigi |
Gill Sans MT |
Gill Sans MT Condensed |
Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold |
Gill Sans Ultra Bold |
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed |
Gisha |
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed |
Goudy Old Style |
Goudy Stout |
Gulim |
GulimChe |
Gungsuh |
GungsuhChe |
Haettenschweiler |
Harlow Solid Italic |
Harrington |
High Tower Text |
Impact |
Imprint MT Shadow |
Informal Roman |
IrisUPC |
Iskoola Pota |
JasmineUPC |
Jokerman |
Juice ITC |
KaiTi |
Kalinga |
Kartika |
Khmer UI |
KodchiangUPC |
Kokila |
Kristen ITC |
Kunstler Script |
Lao UI |
Latha |
Leelawadee |
Levenim MT |
LilyUPC |
Lucida Bright |
Lucida Calligraphy |
Lucida Console |
Lucida Fax |
Lucida Handwriting |
Lucida Sans |
Lucida Sans Typewriter |
Lucida Sans Unicode |
Magneto |
Maiandra GD |
Malgun Gothic |
Mangal |
Marlett |
Matura MT Script Capitals |
Meiryo |
Meiryo UI |
Microsoft Himalaya |
Microsoft JhengHei |
Microsoft New Tai Lue |
Microsoft PhagsPa |
Microsoft Sans Serif |
Microsoft Tai Le |
Microsoft Uighur |
Microsoft YaHei |
Microsoft Yi Baiti |
MingLiU |
MingLiU-ExtB |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB |
Miriam |
Miriam Fixed |
Mistral |
Modern No. 20 |
Mongolian Baiti |
Monotype Corsiva |
MoolBoran |
MS Gothic |
MS Mincho |
MS Outlook |
MS PGothic |
MS PMincho |
MS Reference Sans Serif |
MS Reference Specialty |
MS UI Gothic |
MT Extra |
MV Boli |
Narkisim |
Niagara Engraved |
Niagara Solid |
NSimSun |
Nyala |
OCR A Extended |
Old English Text MT |
Onyx |
Palace Script MT |
Palatino Linotype |
Papyrus |
Parchment |
Perpetua |
Perpetua Titling MT |
Plantahenet Cherokee |
Playbill |
PMingLiU |
PMingLiU-ExtB |
Poor Richard |
Pristina |
Ravi |
Rage Italic |
Ravie |
Rockwell |
Rockwell Condensed |
Rockwell Extra Bold |
Rod |
Sakkal Majalla |
Script MT Bold |
Segoe Condensed |
Segoe Print |
Segoe Script |
Segoe UI |
Segoe UI Light |
Segoe UI Semibold |
Segoe UI Symbol |
Shonar Bangla |
Showcard Gothic |
Shruti |
SimeHei |
Simplified Arabic |
Simplified Arabic Fixed |
SimSun |
SimSun-ExtB |
Snap ITC |
Stencil |
Sylfaen |
Symbol |
Tahoma |
Tempus Sans ITC |
Times New Roman |
Traditional Arabic |
Trebichet MS |
Tunga |
TW Cen MT |
TW Cen MT Condensed |
TW Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold |
Utsaah |
Vani |
Verdana |
Vijaya |
Viner Hand ITC |
Vivaldi |
Vladimir Script |
Vrinda |
Webdings |
Wide Latin |
Wingdings |
Wingdings 2 |
Wingdings 3 |
Gerelateerde onderwerpen
Main Category: |
Attachments & notes |
Document Type: |
Support - On-line help |
Category: |
Security level: |
All - 0 |
Sub category: |
Document ID: |
22.329.156 |
Assortment: |
Exact Globe
Date: |
08-01-2025 |
Release: |
Attachment: |
Disclaimer |