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How-to: Migrating Exact Integrator to Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS)


The primary key can be different for the same item in Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe Next. The key-lookup feature in Exact Integrator allows data to be matched accurately. The feature will validate the data before starting the synchronization process.

The migration tool matches primary keys for specific entities in Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe Next. The matched results will be stored in the database. The tool also migrates the matched data from Exact Integrator to ELIS.


This document describes the migration of the matched data from Exact Integrator to ELIS.

Setting up Exact Lightweight Integration Server connection

Migration tools can run on any computer on the network. The processed data will be stored in the ELIS database. Thus, an ELIS connection setup is required before you can run the tools.

To set up the connection, do the following:

  1. Select the Migration Tools Application folder, and then select xmd.
  2. Open Exact.MacroManager.DataAccess.config with the Notepad application.
  3. Replace ELISDatabaseServer with the name of the SQL server for ELIS between <value> and </value>.
  4. Replace ELISDatabaseName with the name of the SQL database for ELIS between <value> and </value>.

Configuring the migration tools

Define the following fields:

  • Exact Synergy Enterprise - Select an Exact Synergy Enterprise product that is registered in ELIS.
  • Exact Globe Next - Select an Exact Globe Next product that is registered in ELIS.
  • New Migration - Select this option to migrate the new data.
  • Migrate Existing Exact Integrator - Select this option to migrate data from the existing Exact Integrator to ELIS.
  • Server Name - Type the name of the SQL server for Exact Integrator. For example, [Machine name] or [Machine name]\[Instance name].
  • Database - Type the name of the SQL database for Exact Integrator.

After the fields have been defined, click Next. The following screen will be displayed:

Click Start to begin the migration process and the progress status will be displayed in the screen.

Click Finish to end the migration process.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 26.179.516
 Assortment:  Date: 06-09-2016
 Release:  Attachment:

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