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SSCC Shipment Builder: settings



This document describes the settings available for Exact Globe Next module SSCC Shipment Builder (SE1387), as available per product update 407.



SSCC Shipment Builder is based on E-WMS functionality and technology, but offered as independent solution, to offer SSCC shipping functionality even when you are not using E-WMS for order picking. After activating SE1387 in your license, your database will be updated, after which you will see some new settings to support the functionality of SSCC Shipment Builder. 

You will notice following new settings tabs in menu System, General, settings:   

In addition to configuring these settings, you will also need to configure 'SKU (SSCC) types', link these to items, and enable 'Autopack' for specific items.

WMS General

This settings group contains general settings related to stock validations to be applied when working with Shipment Builder.   

  • Stock
    This setting determines whether stock positions will be validated, and to what level, when generating an Autopack advice and when processing the sales order in Shipment Builder.
    You have following choices:
    • No check
    • Quantity per warehouse location (item)   
    • Quantity per warehouse location (S/B) (advised setting)

    To allow generating an Autopack advice and processing order lines without (sufficient) stock available, this setting needs to be set to 'No check', and also the Exact Globe Next order setting 'Check stock' needs to be disabled. Under normal circumstances, this setting needs to be set to the lowest stock level possible.

  • Free stock
    Determines if Shipment Builder should regard Exact Globe stock allocations to other sales orders as not available, in Autopack advice and when processing a sales order.
    When enabled, stock allocations to other sales orders are regarded as stock 'not available'.
    When disabled, stock allocations are ignored.

WMS Sales order fulfillment

These settings are specific for the way you want work in the control center for SSCC Shipment Builder. 

Section: General

Selection code urgent orders
You can assign a specific 'selection code' to sales orders which should be handled first in the control center.
All sales orders having this selection code ('Conditions' button in a sales order) will always show on top of the list of orders in the control center.
This setting is mandatory.

This is the default printer used when printing reports from the control center; this document provides more information.

Check credit line
This setting is available from product update 407, and enables or disables the check on your customers credit line, and also the prepayment status of sales orders, before starting the Shipment Builder. When this check is disabled and the credit line would be exceeded, this would only be noticed while trying to process the sales order and print the delivery note.

Section: Fulfilment: picking advice

SB advice policy
Since this setting is available in several E-WMS modules, this setting is generally explained in this document. For SSCC Shipment Builder, this setting is available from release 407.
When generating a serial/batch packing advice for SSCC Shipment Builder and when you are using warehouse locations, only stock on the default location of an item, is regarded as available stock.

Section: Manual validation

The settings in this section are applied when opening an 'auto packed' sales order in the control center (not: the Shipment Builder screen) from status 'Validated' or 'Picking error', and determine what actions are allowed at that time, and under which circumstances you are allowed to process the sales order.

Difference in backorder
Determines whether it is allowed to put lines for which was insufficient stock available, to back order. This would be done by not checking the '=' (set equal to) column in the opened order.
Clicking on this column and removing the green checkmark means: do not change the original ordered quantity, the remainder will be put to backorder (split into new order line).
Clicking on this column and setting the green checkmark means: change the ordered quantity in the order line to the 'picked' quantity, so the remainder would be dropped.

If the setting 'difference in backorder' is enabled, you are allowed to process this sales order while this column was 'unchecked'. The remainder will be put to backorder.
If the setting 'difference in backorder' is disabled, you are not allowed to process this sales order while this column was 'unchecked'. You cannot put the remainder to backorder.

Only if not in stock
This setting can be used to make the setting 'difference in backorder' more restrictive.
When enabled, processing while 'putting to backorder' is only allowed when that stock is actually not available. When there is stock available, then there would be no reason to fulfill less than ordered.
When disabled, processing while 'putting to backorder' is allowed regardless there would be sufficient stock or not.

Drop differences
This setting determines whether you are allowed to drop ordered quantities for which was insufficient stock, the same way as for above setting 'Difference in backorder'.
When enabled, you are allowed to process the sales order while the '=' (set equal to) column was checked. The ordered quantity will be changed to the fulfilled quantity.
When disabled, you are not allowed to process the sales order while the '=' column was checked. You cannot drop differences due to 'less picked' quantities.

Pick more than ordered
Enabled: you are allowed to process the sales order while fulfilling more than ordered
Disabled: you are not allowed to process the sales order while fulfilling more than ordered

Section: process orders / print delivery notes

These settings are applied when starting fulfillment of a sales order, and affect the delivery note screen and the way sales orders are processed.

Report settings
See document WMS reports.

Fixed backorder date
Only enabled when the setting 'backorder date' is enabled. When enabled, you can assign one specific planned delivery date to all split backorder lines (see above setting 'difference in backorder')

Backorder date
When enabled, the setting 'fixed backorder date' becomes available, and that date is applied to the delivery date for all split backorder lines.
When disabled, the setting 'Days in backorder' becomes available, and the 'current date' + 'days in backorder' will be assigned as planned delivery date for backorder lines.

Days in backorder
Number of days to be added as fulfillment date to new backorder lines, see setting 'backorder date'.

Print data for each order
When starting fulfillment, SSCC Shipment Builder will show a delivery note screen, similar to the Exact Globe Next delivery note screen.
When enabled, the delivery note screen will pop up separately for each of the sales orders selected to be fulfilled, allowing specific settings per order.
When disabled, the delivery note screen will show once when starting fulfillment, and the choices will be applied to all orders selected for fulfillment.

Use debtor layouts
Enabled: layouts linked through debtor number or language are applied, overruling the default layout selected in the delivery note screen
Disabled: the layout selected in the delivery note screen is always applied, linked layouts are ignored.

Default 'create invoice'
Enabled: the option 'Generate invoices' on the delivery note screen is by default enabled
Disabled: the option 'Generate invoices' on the delivery note screen is by default disabled

Edit 'create invoice'
Enabled: the option 'Generate invoices' is visible on the delivery note screen and can be changed by the user.
Disabled: the option 'Generate invoices' is visible on the delivery note screen and cannot be changed, the default from setting "Default 'create invoice'" is applied.


These settings are used when generating new SSCC numbers in Autopack advice and Shipment Builder. The following terms are used:

  • GS1: an international organization dedicated to the standardization in the national and international demand and supply chain. GS1 regulates for instance the standards for bar coding. GS1 was formerly known as 'EAN International' or 'Stichting EAN' in the Netherlands.
  • SSCC: Serial Shipping Container Code, a number, as standard set by GS1, an 18-digit unique digit code used to identify stock keeping units, or shipping units, in logistical processes and in EDI messages between trade partners. It is also used to refer to the SSCC label itself and sometimes to the stock keeping unit (outer/inner) for this process.
  • Outer (SSCC): a stock keeping unit which is commonly also the transport unit, like a pallet, and may contain several inner SSCC's
  • Inner (SSCC): a SKU which is commonly used to build an outer SKU, for example a box or a case
  • Shipment number: a unique SSCC number assigned to a shipment. A common shipment number is assigned to all sales orders selected at once for 'Autopack'.   

Extension digit
This is the GS1 'extension digit' as part of the total SSCC number (1st digit).
This number is free to assign in the range 0 to 9 and will signify a specific plant or branch office of your organization.

SSCC company (GS1 company code)
This is the company code assigned to you by the GS1 organization. Starting from the 2nd digit of the SSCC number.

Prefix shipment
This is the prefix for SSCC numbers generated by SSCC Shipment Builder for shipments. This digit will be placed behind the company code.
This is to ensure a unique range of sequence numbers for shipment labels. In the SSCC number this is part of the sequence number.

SSCC shipment
Sequence number to start with for the next generated SSCC number for shipment labels.

Prefix outer SSCC
This is the prefix for SSCC numbers generated by SSCC Shipment Builder for outer SSCC's. This digit will be placed behind the company code.
This is to ensure a unique range of sequence numbers for 'pallet' labels, in the SSCC number this is part of the sequence number.

Outer SSCC
Sequence number to start with for the next generated SSCC number for outer SKU labels.

Prefix inner SSCC
This is the prefix for SSCC numbers generated by SSCC Shipment Builder for inner SSCC's. This digit will be placed behind the company code.
This is to ensure a unique range of sequence numbers for 'box' labels, in the SSCC number this is part of the sequence number.

Inner SSCC
Sequence number to start with for the next generated SSCC number for inner SSCC labels.

Autopack report settings
These settings apply to the report shown when generating an Autopack advice. Please also see WMS reports.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 24.322.998
 Assortment:  Date: 19-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: