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Exact Financials (v3)   


GL_BAL (company,seqnr, total, key_1, [ key_2, key_3, key_4, key_5, key_6, key_7, key_8, key_9, key_10 ] )

Using this function you can include the balance of a user defined total on the g/l transactions in the worksheet. User defined totals are defined in Exact Financials from the system menu [ Management / Application / Maintenance cumulative definitions ] .

SeqNr determines which cumultative definition of table g/l transactions (900331) should be used. Total determines which total field (value 1 through 10) should be returned.


GL_BAL(621,1,1,"2005", "12", "4000", "ADMI", "HEREN")

As a result of the above function, the first total defined for g/l transactions (in which key value 1 was defined as year, key value 2 as period, key value 3 as g/l account, key value 4 as cost center and key value 5 as cost unit) is shown.

! Note: integers are stored without leading zeroes in stcumdat. If one of the key fields is period, consider that the values 10, 11 and 12 are alphabetically sorted between 1 and 2. If you want to view the results of period 0 thru 11 you cannot use GL_BAL( 621,1,1,"0:11" ) but need to split this up into two parts:

= GL_BAL( 621,1,1, "_" ) + GL_BAL( 621,1,1, "10:11" )

The above uses the wildcard functionality for the first part ( the underscore _ matches any single character, ie 0 thru 9 ) and a range for the second part ( the colon : allows range handling ).

Excel Add-In contents | Alphabetical overview parameters

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 12.301.050
 Assortment:  Date: 13-11-2007
 Release: 3.40  Attachment: