With the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), European Union banks and customers will have to use the SEPA formats for processing payments and collections. The multinational businesses and banks will be able to consolidate the processing of payments on a common platform across the Eurozone. Although most SEPA requirements are standardized, some countries have certain specifications that must be catered for locally. SEPA clearing is based on the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) identification and Bank Identifier Code (BIC or SWIFT). To comply with the bank guidelines for the SEPA files, several changes have been made. A new version of the SEPA PAIN format for credit transfer (payments) and direct debit (collections) has been introduced for the Belgian legislation. This format will be available for all the Belgian banks. The SEPA credit transfers (SCT) will be based on the PAIN 001.001.03 format, and SEPA direct debits (SDD) will be based on the PAIN 008.001.02 format (see Product Update 404: New version of SEPA PAIN format for credit transfer and direct debit introduced for Dutch banks (Dutch legislation)). The following changes apply to the SEPA formats for the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Austria.
The Batch booking check boxes have been added under the SEPA credit transfer and SEPA direct debit sections in the Cash instruments screen under the Settings tab (see Creating and maintaining cash instruments). The values of these settings will be available for the batch booking requirements in the SCT and SDD files defined for the cash instrument.
When SCT files are generated and sent to the respective banks for processing, some payments might require urgent priority. The Urgent check box has been added in the Purchase invoice screen (see Creating and maintaining payment terms for purchase orders). However, the Urgent check box is only available based on the following:
This functionality has been made available for the Belgian legislation since product update 398 (see Product update 398: Ability to identify urgent payment instructions (Belgian legislation)). The following changes have been made:
In the generated SDD file, a XML tag will be available for the requested collection date. A date calculation method has been implemented prior to this to determine the correct requested collection date (see Product Update 404: Calculation changes for Requested collection date for SEPA direct debit files). In this product update, a new calculation method has been introduced whereby you can select the due date or payment date for the calculation of the requested collection date.
The following menu paths for the SDD file generation will be affected:
The Requested collection date calculations field has been added under the SEPA section in Bank settings (see Bank settings). By default, Due date is displayed. If the Due date is selected, the changes described in Product Update 404: Calculation changes for Requested collection date for SEPA direct debit files (German, Austrian, Dutch, and Belgian legislations) will be used. However, if Payment date is selected, the payment date of the invoice will be used as the basis for the calculation. The derived requested collection date will be used as the payment term for the invoice term. If the calculated requested collection date falls on a non-working day or public holiday, the bank will be responsible to process the collections on the next working day.
The calculations in Product Update 404: Calculation changes for Requested collection date for SEPA direct debit files (German, Austrian, Dutch, and Belgian legislations) still applies if the calculation is based on Payment date.
In the SCT and SDD files, the <RmtInf> XML tag represents the remittance reference or description. Before SEPA formats were introduced, the payment references supported the use of the structured and unstructured payment references. In this product update, the XML tag will reflect the correct payment reference structure based on the information that you have entered in the invoices.
Type of payment reference
16 numeric characters
≥ 16 alpha-numeric characters, supports up to 140 characters
For example:
Previously, the payment execution date displayed in the <ReqdExctnDt> XML tag in the generated SCT files was always “1999-01-01”. In this product update, the payment execution date will display the payment date of the invoice.
For more information on SEPA, see Release 390: SEPA for Exact Globe.