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Exact Financials   

Connectivity Manual - Journals

File name: dagbk.csv

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Remarks Default
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company * -
2 journal-nr INT N3   Journal   -
3 descr CHAR A25   Description   -
4 abbrev CHAR A4   Abbreviation   -
5 journal-type INT N2   Type of journal * -
6 trans-type INT N2   Transit subtype * -
7 deb-cred INT N2   Subsidiary ledger * -
8 vat-handling INT N2   VAT handling * -
9 bank-acc-nr CHAR A34   Bank account * -
10 postbank-acc-nr CHAR A34   Postbank account * -
11 block-entry LOG J/N   Block entry number - N
12 check-final-bal LOG J/N   Check CloseBal/Diff - N
13 block-date LOG J/N   Block entry date - N
14 acc-nr CHAR A9 ledger Account - -
15 empty - - - - - -
16 acc-nr-transfer CHAR A9 ledger Payments in transit - -
17 curr-code CHAR A3 curren Currency - Default currency
18 change-curr LOG J/N   Variable currency - N
19 current-rate LOG J/N   Variable exchange rate - N
20 sceaction LOG J/N   Scenario via action bar - -
21 empty - - - - - -
22 blocked LOG J/N   Block - -
23 descr-ml[1] CHAR A25   Multi language description 1 - -
24 descr-ml[2] CHAR A25   Multi language description 2 - -
25 descr-ml[3] CHAR A25   Multi language description 3 - -
26 descr-ml[4] CHAR A25   Multi language description 4 - -
27 descr-ml[5] CHAR A25   Multi language description 5 - -
28 rec-seq-nr INT N5   Reconciliation status sequence number - -
29 date-rec DATE DDMMYYYY   Date of reconciliation - -
30 balance-rec DEC N15,2   Balance of reconciliation - -
31 ifall_block LOG J/N   Block for changes - N
32 bnk-curr-code CHAR A3 curren Currency code of bank account number - -
33 bal-after-entry DEC N15,2   Balance after entry - -
34 bank-acc-type CHAR A3 bnktpe Bank account type - -
35 postbank-acc-type CHAR A3 bnktpe Postbank account type - -

Clarification of the fields:

Field Clarification
1 This field is only a part of the import format, when the option 'Company number' is enabled. When this option is not enabled, this field should be skipped.
5 This field must contain one of the following values:
  1. Cash
  2. Bank
  3. Giro
  4. General
  5. VAT general
  6. Transit general
  7. Purchase
  8. Sales
  9. Settlement
6 This field must contain one of the following values:
  1. Purchases
  2. Sales
  3. Nominal
  4. Cheques printing
  5. Accruals
  6. Prepayments
  7. Transit

If you use 'Bill of Exchange' and the journal type is 'General' this field must contain:

  1. Yes
  2. No
7 This field is only filled in case of a settlement journal. It should then contain one of the following values:
  1. Debtor
  2. Creditor
8 If filled, this field must contain one of the following values:
  1. No VAT handling
  2. Purchases codes
  3. Sales codes
  4. VAT book
  5. All codes
9,10 These account numbers must comply with the checks involved in the type of account entered in the fields 34 and 35.

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Finance > Journals

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.324.390
 Assortment:  Date: 02-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: