Data dictionary y_debtor - debtors - 7.20
1 | seqnr_log | integer | >,>>>,>>9 | | | ? | Sequence number | 2 | adm_nr | integer | >>>>>9 | | | ? | Company | 3 | debtor | int64 | >>>>>>>>>9 | | | 0 | Debtor | 4 | name | character | X(100) | | | | Name | 5 | address_1 | character | X(60) | | | | Address line 1 | 6 | address_2 | character | X(60) | | | | Address line 2 | 7 | address_3 | character | X(60) | | | | Address line 3 | 8 | postal_code | character | x(8) | | | | Postcode | 9 | city | character | X(60) | | | | City | 10 | country | character | x(3) | | | | Country | 11 | search_code | character | x(15) | | | | Search code | 12 | curr_code | character | x(3) | | | | Currency | 13 | telephone | character | x(15) | | | | Telephone | 14 | fax_nr | character | x(15) | | | | Fax | 15 | contact | character | X(60) | | | | Contact | 16 | sex | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Sex | 17 | title_code | character | x(4) | | | | Title | 18 | initials | character | x(10) | | | | Initials | 19 | func_desc | character | X(60) | | | | Position | 20 | telephone_contact | character | x(15) | | | | Telephone | 21 | bank_acc_nr | character | x(34) | | | | Bank account | 22 | postbank_acc_nr | character | x(34) | | | | Postbank | 23 | pay_method | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Payment method | 24 | acc_nr_contra | character | x(12) | | | | Offset account | 25 | journal_nr | integer | >>9 | | | 0 | Journal | 26 | attention | logical | yes/no | | | no | Attention field | 27 | cat | character | x(12) | | | | Category | 28 | invoice_debtor | int64 | >>>>>>>>>9 | | | 0 | Invoice debtor | 29 | surch | decimal | ->>>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99 | 4 | | 0 | Credit line | 30 | pay_reminder | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Reminder | 31 | pay_condition | character | X(4) | | | | Payment condition | 32 | block | logical | yes/no | | | no | Block | 33 | representative | character | X(12) | | | | Representative | 34 | pricelist_code | character | x(3) | | | | Price list | 35 | extra_item_code | character | x(2) | | | | Extra item | 36 | delivery_method | character | x(12) | | | | Delivery method | 37 | disc_perc | decimal | ->>9.99 | 2 | | 0 | Discount percentage | 38 | date_last_reminder | date | 99/99/9999 | | | | Last reminder | 39 | layoutcode | character | x(1) | | | | Layout | 40 | lang_code | character | x(3) | | | | Language | 41 | amt_in_order | decimal | ->>>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99 | 4 | | 0 | Amount on order | 42 | page_nr | integer | ->9 | | | 0 | Page number after compression | 43 | debopensal | decimal | ->>>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99 | 4 | | 0 | Unused field | 44 | factoring | logical | yes/no | | | no | Factoring | 45 | country_iso | character | x(2) | | | | ISO country | 46 | vat_nr | character | x(20) | | | | VAT number | 47 | check_date | date | 99/99/9999 | | | | Check date | 48 | cat_belgium | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Liable to pay VAT | 49 | stat_factor | character | x(3) | | | | Statistical factor | 50 | vat_code | character | x(3) | | | 0 | VAT code | 51 | change_vat | logical | yes/no | | | yes | VAT code adjustable | 52 | stat_system | character | x(10) | | | | Statistical system | 53 | change_system | logical | yes/no | | | yes | System adjustable | 54 | cost_code | character | x(12) | | | | Cost code | 55 | change_trans_a | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Transaction A adjustable | 56 | transact_b | character | x(10) | | | | Transaction B | 57 | change_trans_b | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Transaction B adjustable | 58 | country_dest | character | x(3) | | | | Country of destination | 59 | change_dest | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Destination adjustable | 60 | transport_code | character | x(10) | | | | Method of transportation | 61 | change_transport | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Method of transportation | 62 | city_of_ul | character | x(10) | | | | City of loading/unloading | 63 | change_ul | logical | yes/no | | | yes | City of loading/unloading adjustable | 64 | search_code_deliv_method | character | x(10) | | | | Delivery method | 65 | change_deliv_method | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Terms of delivery adjustable | 66 | trsshpm_code | character | x(10) | | | | Transshipment | 67 | change_tshpm | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Transshipment adjustable | 68 | country_abc | character | x(3) | | | | Country ABC transaction | 69 | change_abc | logical | yes/no | | | yes | ABC country adjustable | 70 | search_code_region | character | x(10) | | | | Area | 71 | change_region | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Area adjustable | 72 | sales_confirm | logical | yes/no | | | no | Sales order confirmation | 73 | backorders | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Back orders allowed | 74 | grouped_invoice | logical | yes/no | | | no | Grouped invoice | 75 | link_recurring_invoices | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Number of invoices | 76 | source_lc | character | x(12) | | | | | 77 | time_lc | integer | ->,>>>,>>9 | | | ? | | 78 | date_lc | date | 99/99/9999 | | | | | 79 | euserid_lc | character | X(12) | | | | | 80 | type_lc | character | x(8) | | | | | 81 | e_mail | character | X(60) | | | | E-mail | 82 | adrnr_stat | character | X(10) | | | | Address number periodic overview | 83 | date_stat | date | 99/99/9999 | | | | Last date periodic overview | 84 | seq_stat | integer | >>>9 | | | 0 | Last sequence number periodic overviews | 85 | print_stat | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Print periodic overview | 86 | auto_payment | logical | yes/no | | | yes | Automatic payment | 87 | ifall_block | logical | yes/no | | | no | Block for changes | 88 | supp_nr | character | x(10) | | | | Supplier | 89 | group_payments | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Group payments | 90 | bnk_curr_code | character | x(3) | | | | Currency code of bank account number | 91 | website | character | X(160) | | | | Website | 92 | entity_state | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | State | 93 | house_nr | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | House number | 94 | house_nr_addition | character | X(8) | | | | House number addition | 95 | type_remind_by | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Remind by | 96 | payment_specification | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Payment specification | 97 | type_invoice_by | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Invoice by | 98 | collection_specification | integer | >>>>>9 | | | 0 | Collection specification |
Indexesy_debtorix - primary - unique1 | seqnr_log | integer | >,>>>,>>9 | Sequence number |
y_debtor1ix1 | adm_nr | integer | >>>>>9 | Company | 2 | debtor | int64 | >>>>>>>>>9 | Debtor | 3 | seqnr_log | integer | >,>>>,>>9 | Sequence number |
Contents > y_debtor
Main Category: |
Support Product Know How |
Document Type: |
Support - On-line help |
Category: |
On-line help files |
Security level: |
All - 0 |
Sub category: |
Details |
Document ID: |
26.936.739 |
Assortment: |
Exact Financials
Date: |
27-01-2016 |
Release: |
Attachment: |
Disclaimer |