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Exact Financials   

Connectivity Manual - Financial entries

To be able to use this import format, you should select 'Version 6' in the import screen.

I = Inkoop
V = Verkoop
K = Kas
B = Bank
G = Giro
M = Memoriaal

File name: fmuta.csv

Nr. Field name Type Format H/S/B Ref. Description Remarks Def. Jrnl
1 adm-nr INT N6 B admdat Company * - A
2 line-nr INT N3 B - Line number Mandatory - A
3 EXTRA-journal-type CHAR A1 B - Type of journal I/V/K/B/G/M - A
4 journal-nr INT N3 B journl Journal number - - A
5 period INT N3 B - Period - - A
6 fin-yr INT N4 B - Financial year - * A
7 entry-nr INT N8 H - Entry number - - A
8 descr CHAR A25 B - Description - - A
9 date DATE DMY B - Date - * A
10 acc-nr CHAR A9 S ledger Offset account Mandatory - A
11 debtor INT N8 B debtor Debtor number * - A
12 creditor INT N8 B credit Creditor number * - A
13 invoice-nr INT N8 S - Invoice number * - CBG
14 amt-curr DEC N15,2 B - Currency amount - - A
15 EXTRA-journ_in_curr CHAR A1 B - Journalize in FC - - A
16 curr-code CHAR A3 B curren Currency code - - A
17 exch-rate DEC N5,6 H - Exchange rate - - A
18 surch-disc CHAR A1 H - Payment charge/discount K/B B PS
19 amt-credit-surch-1 DEC N15,2 H - AmountPayCh/Disc1 - - PS
20 due-date-invoice DATE DMY H - Due date invoice - - PS
21 due-date-surch-1 DATE DMY H - Due date PayCh/Disc1 - - PS
22 vat-code CHAR A3 S vattrs VAT code - - PSCB
23 vat-amt-curr DEC N15,2 S - VAT currency amount - - PSCB
24 week INT N2 H - Week number Calculated * P
25 pay-ref CHAR A20 H - Payment reference - - PS
26 pay-method CHAR A1 H   Payment method B/K/G/I Setting PS
27 amt-acc-nr-block DEC N15,2 H - Amount blocked account - - P
28 cost-center CHAR A8 S ccent Cost center - - A
29 cost-unit CHAR A8 S cunit Cost unit - - A
30 qty DEC N10,2 S - Quantity - - A
31 diff-code INT N1 S - Difference code 0/1/2/3 * CBG
32 empty - - - - - - -  
33 rev-entry LOG J/N B - Reversal entry - * A
34 origin INT N6 H - Origin of entry - - A
35 PRO-project code CHAR A10 S prmst Project code - - A
36 PRO-cost_cat_code CHAR A8 S prcat Project cost category - - A
37 PRO-cost-center CHAR A8 S ccent Cost center - - A
38 PRO-description CHAR A30 S - Description project - - A
39 PRO-result_type INT N6 S - Result type 400501/400502 * A
40 EXTRA-exch-rate-type CHAR A1 H - Exchange rate type 0/1 * A

Clarification of the fields:

Field Clarification
1 This field is only a part of the import format, when the option 'Company number' is enabled. When this option is not enabled, this field should be skipped.
2 0 for headers, >0 for sub lines (1 for the first line, 2 for the second line etc.)
3 'I' for purchase journal, 'V' for sales journal, 'K' for cash journal, 'B' for bank journal, 'G' for giro journal and 'M' for general journal. If this field is left empty, field 4 must be filled. If both field 3 and 4 are left empty, the record will be rejected.
6 If this field is left empty, the default financial year will be used for this entry.
9 If this field is left empty, the system date will be used. Not applicable in sales and purchase entries.
10 If you want to enter on a debtors or creditors control account, you must enter the general ledger account of the purchase or sales journal. Although this field is marked as character field it is only possible to enter digits, for example 000010123.
11 Lines: if the g/l account (field 10) is a debtor subledger then the debtor is mandatory
12 Lines: if the g/l account (field 10) is a creditor subledger then the creditor is mandatory
13 Lines: if the g/l account (field 10) is a debtor or creditor subledger then the invoice number is mandatory
15 This field is used to show whether the amount of the entry must be journalized in foreign currency or in default currency. An 'N' for No or a 'J' for Yes appears. For 'N' the amount is automatically converted to default currency upon import.
17 If this field is left empty, the rate of the day is used (field 9). Type is depending on the EXTRA-exch-rate (field 40) in the header line.
18 In the header you can enter a credit surcharge or a settlement discount. 'K' is credit surcharge and 'B' is settlement discount. If this field is left empty 'B' will be used as default.
19 This field appears in the header of a sales entry. It displays the credit surcharge or the invoice discount given. This amount is not included in the check between the amounts in the headers and entry lines.
21 Enter the expiry date for the credit surcharge or settlement discount. This can be different to the expiry date of the invoice.
24 In this field you can enter a week number in case you want to use week numbers to indicate the expiry date of the invoice. If this field is filled with '?' or '0' then the week number will be calculated using the invoice due date.
26 Payment method: 'B' for Bank, 'K' for Cash, 'G' for Giro and 'I' for Collection. If this field is left empty the payment method linked to debtor or creditor will be used.
27 If you deal with blocked accounts in the Purchase journal, here you should enter the amount to be entered on the blocked account.
31 In this field a difference code for payment differences can be entered.

0 = Do not write off: Nothing will be done with the remaining outstanding amount (default).
1 = Discount: The payment difference will be handled like discount.
2 = Payment charge: The payment difference will be handled like payment charge.
3= Payment difference: The payment difference will be written off.

33 If this field contains an 'N', it is not a reversal entry. If the field contains a 'Y', it is a reversal entry. If you do not enter anything, the program enters the value 'N' by default. With a reversal entry you can enter a contra entry for a previously processed entry.
35-39 These fields will only be filled if you defined in [Finance: File, Company settings, Financial preferences] that a project link is optional or mandatory and the entry concerns a project account. In case you have set this option to 'Optional' it is possible to import project data. In case you have set this option to 'Mandatory' the entry will be rejected if you do not enter project data or if the project data is not appropriately filled.
39 If this field is left empty, it will automatically be filled according the given amount and journal type (field 4) in the header.

400501 = Expenses
400502 = Revenues

The field value is determined as follows:

If the journal type is purchase or general journal, the default will be expenses. If the journal type is sales, cash or bank, then the default will be revenue. If the journal type is not sales or purchase and the amount is <0 then the type will be reversed (rev to exp, exp to rev). If this field is filled with a type that does not match the default, the project amount will be reversed. (neg. to pos., pos. to neg.)

40 If you want to use Anglo-Saxon notation (Euro notation) for exchange rates you should enter 1, if you want to use the 'old' exchange rate enter 0. If this field is left empty, the settings you defined in [Finance: File, Company settings, Financial preferences] on the 'Miscellaneous' tab will be used.

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Finance > Financial entries

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.324.779
 Assortment:  Date: 27-03-2019
 Release:  Attachment: