You can create absence request for multiple people clicking the Multiple button at HR/Entries/Absence or Payroll/Entries/Absence.
Type or select the cost center or range of cost centers to display the absence requests in these cost centers. Select the All check box to display the absence requests in all the cost centers.
Type or select the resource ID to display the absence requests of this person. Select the All check box to display the absence requests of all the resources.
Type the description for the absence request.
Select the absence type to generate the absence request.
Type or select the start date of the absence request. By default, it is the current date.
Type or select the end date of the absence request. By default, it is the current date.
Click this to generate an absence request overview for the selected people. You can verify the correctness of the entries or remove the unwanted entry. Click Save to generate the absence requests.
Click this to exit.