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Connectivity Manual C/S - Payment conditions

Payment conditions

File: finance\interf\ifpaycon.p

Table: paycon

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Possible values Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 Adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company     Field must be filled 100001 F
                A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 Pay-condition CHAR A4   Payment condition     Field must be filled 201401 F
                Can not be more than 4. 201404 F
3 Descr CHAR A30   Description     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
4 Installments LOG True/False   Payment in installments   False If option BOE is off then set to false -  
                If ? then set to false -  
5 Surch-disc INT N2   Payment charge/discount Credit surcharge: 1 or {T-PAY-CONDITION-SURCHARGE}

Settlement discount: 2 or {T-PAY-CONDITION-DISCOUNT}

1 or {T-PAY-CONDITION-SURCHARGE} If installments = true then set to payment charge. -  
                If ? then set to payment charge. -  
                Must be a valid value 20003 W
6 Surch-days-1 INT N3   Number of days 1     If installments = true then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
7 Surch-days-2 INT N3   Number of days 2     If ? then set to 0    
                If surch-disc = payment charge (1) then set to 0 -  
                If > 0 and < surch-days-1 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
8 Surch-days-3 INT N3   Number of days 3     If ? then set to 0    
                If surch-disc = payment charge (1) then set to 0 -  
                If > 0 and < surch-days-2 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
9 Surch-days-4 INT N3   Number of days 4     If ? then set to 0    
                If surch-disc = payment charge (1) then set to 0 -  
                If > 0 and < surch-days-3 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
10 Surch-days-5 INT N3   Number of days 5     If ? then set to 0    
                If surch-disc = payment charge (1) then set to 0 -  
                If > 0 and < surch-days-5 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
11 Perc-1 DEC N3,2   Percentage 1     If ? then set to 0 -  
                If Surch-day-1 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If < -999.99 20003 W
                If > 999.99 20003 W
12 Perc-2 DEC N3,2   Percentage 2     If ? then set to 0 -  
                If Surch-day-2 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If < -999.99 20003 W
                If > 999.99 20003 W
13 Perc-3 DEC N3,2   Percentage 3     If ? then set to 0 -  
                If Surch-day-3 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If < -999.99 20003 W
                If > 999.99 20003 W
14 Perc-4 DEC N3,2   Percentage 4     If ? then set to 0 -  
                If Surch-day-4 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If < -999.99 20003 W
                If > 999.99 20003 W
15 Perc-5 DEC N3,2   Percentage 5     If ? then set to 0 -  
                If Surch-day-5 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If < -999.99 20003 W
                If > 999.99 20003 W
16 Due-date-term INT N2   Type of due date calculation     If installments = true then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 1 -  
            1: Days to add to invoice date

2: Add days from end of month

3: Add days from end of next month

4: Days to add to invoice date + Add days to end of month

5: Days to add to invoice date + Add days from end of next month

6: Days to add to invoice date + Number of times to end of month + Add days to result of this all

  Must be a valid value.


20003 W
17 Pay-term INT N3   Payment term     If due-date-term = 0 then set to 0. -  
                If due-date-term = 2 then set to 0. -  
                If due-date-term = 3 then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < -999 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
18 Day-of-month INT N3   Day of the month     If due-date-term = 0 then set to 0. -  
                If due-date-term = 1 then set to 0. -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
19 Months INT N3   Months     If due-date-term = 0 then set to 0. -  
                If due-date-term = 1 then set to 0. -  
                If due-date-term = 2 then set to 1. -  
                If due-date-term = 3 then set to 1. -  
                If due-date-term = 4 then set to 1. -  
                If due-date-term = 5 then set to 1. -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < -999 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
20 Gross-net-inv INT N2   Gross/net invoicing     If ? or 0 then get the value from the financial preference -  
            Gross: 1 or {T-PAY-GROSS}

Net: 2 or {T-PAY-NET}

  Must be a valid value. 20003 W
21 Descr-ml[1] CHAR A30   Description ML 1     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
22 Descr-ml[2] CHAR A30   Description ML 2     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
23 Descr-ml[3] CHAR A30   Description ML 3     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
24 Descr-ml[4] CHAR A30   Description ML 4     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
25 Descr-ml[5] CHAR A30   Description ML 5     If ? then set to ""; otherwise can not be more than 30. 20001 W
26 Install-1 INT N3   Installment 1     If installments = false then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
27 Install-2 INT N3   Installment 2     If install-1 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
28 Install-3 INT N3   Installment 3     If install-2 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
29 Install-4 INT N3   Installment 4     If install-3 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
30 Install-5 INT N3   Installment 5     If install-4 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? then set to 0 -  
                If < 0 20003 W
                If > 999 20003 W
31 Pay-term-inst1 INT N3   Payment term installment 1     If install-1 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? or 0 then set to 1 -  
            Date + payment term: 1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM

Date + end of month -> day of month: 2 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-END-T-DAY

Date -> end of month -> day of month: 3 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-T-END-T-DAY

1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM Must be a valid value. 20003 W
32 Pay-term-inst2 INT N3   Payment term installment 2     If install-2 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? or 0 then set to 1 -  
            Date + payment term: 1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM

Date + end of month -> day of month: 2 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-END-T-DAY

Date -> end of month -> day of month: 3 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-T-END-T-DAY

1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM Must be a valid value. 20003 W
33 Pay-term-inst3 INT N3   Payment term installment 3     If install-3 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? or 0 then set to 1 -  
            Date + payment term: 1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM

Date + end of month -> day of month: 2 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-END-T-DAY

Date -> end of month -> day of month: 3 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-T-END-T-DAY

1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM Must be a valid value. 20003 W
34 Pay-term-inst4 INT N3   Payment term installment 4     If install-4 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? or 0 then set to 1 -  
            Date + payment term: 1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM

Date + end of month -> day of month: 2 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-END-T-DAY

Date -> end of month -> day of month: 3 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-T-END-T-DAY

1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM Must be a valid value. 20003 W
35 Pay-term-inst5 INT N3   Payment term installment 5     If install-5 = 0 then set to 0 -  
                If ? or 0 then set to 1 -  
            Date + payment term: 1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM

Date + end of month -> day of month: 2 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-END-T-DAY

Date -> end of month -> day of month: 3 or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-T-END-T-DAY

1or T-BOE-DUE-CALC-DATE-P-TERM Must be a valid value. 20003 W

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > Payment conditions

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.715
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: