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How-to: Creating, downloading, and deleting timeline attachments


This document describes how timeline attachments can be created, downloaded, and deleted.


Creating timeline feeds with attachments

Creating timeline attachments via Exact Synergy Enterprise

Timeline attachments can be created in Exact Synergy Enterprise.

  1. Click  Timeline at the top bar, or  Timeline on the left panel. The following page will be displayed:
  2. Click Attachments. The following page will be displayed:
  3. Click Click to add attachments.
  4. Select the attachment.
  5. At Share an update, type the information that you want to share.
  6. Select a person(s) at Share with.
  7. Click Post. For more information, see Viewing timeline.

Note: Depending on your selection at Storage mode on the Attachment settings page, the attachments will be saved in the Attachments table if SQL storage is selected, and the attachments will be saved in the defined file location if File storage is selected. For more information on attachment settings, see Defining attachment settings.

Creating timeline attachments via web services

You can use the “Binary” web service to chunk, and upload the files to the Exact Synergy Enterprise BinaryIncomingChunks table (this is a temporary storage table).

  • Input: Selected file
  • Output: MessageID

You can use the “FeedAttachment” web service to merge the chunks into a valid file, and save this file in the selected storage system (refer to the following image).

  • Input: MessageID, FeedID (you can generate any new ID), File name, ActionType = 1 (for upload)
  • Output: AttachmentID

You can also create a timeline feed using the Feed Web API. To link the timeline feed to the attachments, you must reuse the same FeedID and AttachmentID.

Creating attachments via Web API

The WebAPI URL used to upload the timeline feed attachments is:

  • ../api/feed/addfileattachment/ <feedID>
  • The file will be added as part of the body or content of the request.

Downloading timeline feed attachments

Downloading timeline attachments via Exact Synergy Enterprise

You can view, and download the timeline feed attachments from the timeline if you have the rights to view the timeline.

  1. Click on the image. The image will be displayed in a light box.
  2. Click  at the top right of the light box. 

Downloading timeline attachments via web service

You can use the “FeedAttachment” action service to download the attachments (refer to the following image). However, the following must be passed in:

  • AttachmentID
  • ActionType = 0 (for download)

The attachment name and MessageID will be returned.

Using the “Binary” service, and the given MessageID, you can retrieve the chunks, and merge them to get the original document.

Downloading timeline attachments via Web API

The WebAPI URL used to download the timeline attachments is:

  • ../api/feed/getfile/<feedID>/<attachmentID>/<fileName>

Deleting timeline attachments

Deleting timeline attachments via Exact Synergy Enterprise

You can delete the uploaded attachments by clicking  or Remove all. However, for a timeline feed that is already posted, the attachments that are linked to the timeline feed will be deleted when the timeline feed is deleted.


Deleting timeline attachments via web service

You can use the “FeedAttachment” action service to delete the attachments (refer to the following image). The following must be passed in:

  • AttachmentID
  • ActionType = 2 (for delete)

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.035.835
 Assortment:  Date: 25-05-2018
 Release:  Attachment:

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