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Generating absence entitlements

Generating Absence Entitlements


It is possible to generate the absence entitlements for your employees by going to HR ➔ Reports ➔ Absence balance list, clicking Display to display the Balance list screen and then clicking Generate.


Absence type

Select the absence type to generate the absence entitlement. The absence types available are those you have created earlier. For more information on creating and maintaining absence types, see Related document: Creating and maintaining absence types.

Type the year you want to generate the absence entitlement for. This information is mandatory.

Type a range of periods based on the financial periods defined via System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ General Settings: Period-date calendar to generate the absence entitlement. This information is mandatory.

Note: This field is enabled only if the Buildup of real entitlement for the selected absence type is set as Monthly. For more information, see Related document: Creating and maintaining absence types.

Click this to show or hide the additional criteria as below:

Selection section 

Cost center
Type or select a cost center or range of cost centers to generate the absence entitlement. If it is left blank, the entitlement will be generated for employees from all cost centers.

Type or select a person to whom you want to generate the absence entitlement for.

Payroll employee
Select the Payroll employee check box to allow the entitlements to be generated for all employees whose payroll data and payroll components are linked. You can clear this check box to generate the entitlements for all the new and existing employees.


Click Refresh to update the results.



Select one of the following to generate the absence entitlement for the employees according to four different methods:

  • Entitlement — This generates the absence entitlements of the employees for the current fiscal year based on the corporate-level and employee-specific entitlements in the displayed results. Corporate-level entitlements are the entitlements defined for all employees that have been assigned the entitlements earlier. Resource-specific entitlements are specifically assigned to particular resource(s) only.
  • Previous year — This generates the absence entitlements of the employees from the previous year to be treated as the entitlements for the current fiscal year.
  • Entitlement (Actual labor hours) — This generates the absence entitlements of the employees based on the actual labor hours realized by the employees. Calculation of absence entitlements based on this option will be applied for an employee when none of the payroll components linked to this resource has the Source setting defined as Contract under the Calculation section when you create a new payroll component at Payroll ➔ Components ➔ Maintain. However, if one of the payroll components where Source is Contract is linked to employees, the absence entitlements for the employees will be set to zero and no absence entitlement will be generated.
    Note: This option is available if you have the E-Payroll module in your license and the Buildup real entitlement of this absence type is set as Monthly. For more information on creating and maintaining absence types, see Related document: Creating and Maintaining Absence Types.
  • Entitlement (Contract Hours) — This generates the absence entitlements of the employees based on contract hours. Calculation of absence entitlements based on this option will be applied for employees when there is at least one payroll component with Source defined as Contract under the Calculation section which has been linked to employees. This can be done when you create a new payroll component at Payroll ➔ Components ➔ Maintain. When there is a Contract payroll component linked to employees, the entitlement will be generated based on the Master Resource Schedule (MRS) hours for the employees. However, if none of the payroll components where Source is Contract is linked to the employees, the absence entitlements for the employees will be set to zero and no absence entitlement will be generated. 
    Note: This option is available if you have the E-Payroll module in your license. 


Select the fiscal month to generate the absence entitlement. By default, the current month is shown at Period. If you generate the entitlements for a specific period or month, then you are able to see the breakdown of the respective entitlements for each month. Otherwise, you will only see the total entitlements for the year without the breakdowns for each month. You can do this at HR ➔ Reports ➔ Absence balance list. From here, click Display to list all the absence entitlements for the employees. In the Balance list screen, select the entitlement in Entitled column and then click Zoom to view the prorated entitlements for each month.

Note: It is enabled only when you select Entitlement (Actual labor hours) or Entitlement (Contract labor hours) at From and the buildup real entitlement for the absence type is on a monthly basis.



Click OK to generate the absence entitlement according to the entitlement type.


Click Cancel to cancel the process and to exit.

Click Zoom to view or modify the details of the selected employeesYou cannot select more than one employee at a time.

Click Preview to preview the changes before you save the generated absence entitlement.

Click Copy to duplicate the details of the selected absence entitlement for the employees. You will see the Copy screen when you click Refresh.

Click Save to save the details of the newly generated absence entitlement or to accept the changes.

Click New to create a new absence entitlement for employees.

Click Close to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 13.503.892
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 370  Attachment:

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