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BacoImporter.exe - Background process

Background Job: BLProcess.exe



The BacoImporter.exe background job validates imported financial transactions. When you use the background job RPExcelImport.exe the imported transactions will first be placed in the table TransactionsPending. The BacoImporter job will then validate these transactions and move them to the table Gbkmut where all processed transactions are located.


This background application only needs to be executed when financial data is imported via Excel sheets. If this is only done on for example friday, the background job only needs to be executed friday evening or during the weekend.


Technical Information


The tables involved when running this background application are:

  • TransactionsPending (this is the table where the transactions are located after importing them from Excel sheets)
  • Gbkmut (this is the table where the transactions are located after running BacoImporter.exe)
  • BacoProcessLog (a log entry is created in this table when running the BacoImporter.exe)


BacoImporter first checks the table TransactionsPending for transactions which are entered manually (this applies also to transactions imported from Excel sheets). Based on the 'EntryNo' of those transactions it then checks the table Gbkmut if those Entryno's are already in that table. If there are transactions with the samen EntryNo those are deleted.


After these checks the imported transactions are then moved from TransactionsPending to Gbkmut. The transactions in the table TransactionsPending are deleted after the move is successful.


There is one specific parameter available for this background job which isn't mandatory. The parameter /C: can be used to let BacoImporter only check for a specific division ignoring the imported transactions for other divisions. Multiple divisions can be added separated by comma's. With this parameter the command will look like this:


  • C:\Synergy\bin\BacoImporter.exe /S: VORS31266-1 /D:DeltaBike /C:001,002


Settings e-Synergy


There are no specific settings in e-Synergy for this background application. When there are no transactions available for validation the background job will do nothing and when there are transactions available the background job will validate those.


Related Topics



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.808.843
 Assortment:  Date: 19-05-2018
 Release:  Attachment:

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