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WMS: meaning of the buttons (ERF client)


This document describes the meaning of the buttons in the WMS ASP ERF client.



Picking screen


Edit button
  Available in guided picking transactions: shows a browser with previous picked lines, to edit or delete a previous scanned line:


    open selected line to edit
  delete selected picking line (no further confirmation)
  When deleting a picked line, the advice line which was linked to that picked line, will be re-opened and has to be picked again.
  Using this button and selecting a line to edit, puts the scanner in 'edit mode' (indicated with text 'edit' on the screen).
  The 'edit' mode is automatically ended after confirming all values of the edited line.
Instruction button
  Shows order line instruction (again). Disabled when there is no instruction to show.
  In WMS Replenishment, the instruction is used to show the replenishment target location.
  In WMS Receipts with cross docking, the instruction text is used to show the sales order to 'cross dock' for.
Add button
  Add an extra (unplanned) line to guided receipts or guided issues.
  Puts the scanner in 'add mode' and opens a new receipt or issue screen.
  Press the 'Ready' button to end the 'add' mode and return to the normal flow.
  Note: the 'add mode' was not indicated for some time in WMS, it is indicated again from product update 403.
Back button
  Back to previous screen
  When using BACK in a picking screen: please note that the current picking line will NOT be SAVED when using BACK.
Line Ready button
  Indicates that you are done with the current advice line.
  If not all is picked yet, you will see the question "Scanned less than ordered. Do you want to close the line?"
  with choices "Yes", "No" or "Cancel":
  Yes:      close the line, assume remainder will not be picked anymore (status of line = ready)
  No:       don't close the line. Remainder will still be picked (maybe from other location or other batch), status of line = not ready
  Cancel: back to previous screen (no changes).
  Note: for serial number items, the Line Ready button is applied per serial number, not per item.
Ready button
  Indicates that you are done with the whole order, not just with the current order line.
  Not available in all WMS processes, for example not in order picking.
  Note : using this button does currently not always result in the "Scanned less than ordered ...." confirmation screen
             when lines still would have to be picked, for example in order packing.
Continue or Next button
  This button is the same as ENTER after a scan: continue to the next screen.


Generated SSCC

When WMS 'generated SSCC' is enabled, you are able to print box- and pallet labels from the hand terminal, during order picking.

Enabling this functionality adds extra buttons to the picking screen.

SSCC button: Open the SSCC generation and printing screen, to print new labels
print shipment label
print pallet label (only when a SSCC number has been generated first)
print box label (only when an inner SSCC number has been generated first)
generate new SSCC (pallet) number
generate new inner SSCC (box) number
close the label screen



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