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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Languages


File name: finance\interf\iflang.p

Table: lang

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Possible values Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 Adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company     Field must be filled 100001 F
                A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 Lang-code CHAR A3   Language     Field must be filled 201601 F
                Cannot be more than 3. 201604 F
3 Descr CHAR A30   Description     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 40. 20001 W
4 Iso-lang-code CHAR A2 isolng ISO language     Field must be filled 206601 F
                ISO language with this code must exist. 206603 F
                Cannot be more than 2. 206604 W
5 Descr-ml[1] CHAR A30   ML description 1     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 40. 20001 W
6 Descr-ml[2] CHAR A30   ML description 2     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 40. 20001 W
7 Descr-ml[3] CHAR A30   ML description 3     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 40. 20001 W
8 Descr-ml[4] CHAR A30   ML description 4     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 40. 20001 W
9 Descr-ml[5] CHAR A30   ML description 5     If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 40. 20001 W

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > Languages

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.718
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: