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Contract screen: how to use it.



Once the assortment is selected you are able to select sales, service or policy items. After saving the selected items the contract value is calculated. Based on this information the contract is prolonged or budgetted.


Roles and Function Rights



Function right 28 [System, Maintenance, Security, Function rights, Logistics] is responsible for the rights of creating and maintaining contracts. This function right is by default linked to the role 'F&A Staff'. Users with this role are able to create and maintain the contracts.





The contract functionality is explained per section:



Section 'Buttons'



Once the items are selected you can save the contract. During saving the contract is validated to check if the item relations is correct. However more settings are checked as well like the dates. If the start date is the most recent date comparing to the prolongation date the validation will notice this.


Using 'New' allows you to create a new contract.


Using 'Delete' allows you to delete a contract


Using 'Multiple' allows you to add more than one sales item in one screen instead adding the sales items one by one with button 'Sales'.


Using 'Sales ' allows you to add a sales item to the contract. The sales items are not prolonged or invoiced. This must be done manually in the back office.


Using 'Services ' allows you to add a service item to the contract. The service items can be prolonged and invoiced.


Using 'Services' allows you to add a policy item to the contract. The policy items are never prolonged or invoiced.


Once the items are selected you can validate the contract. During the validation the item relations are checked. However more settings are checked as well like the dates. If the start date is the most recent date comparing to the prolongation date the validation will notice this.

Add: Group

The function 'Add: Group' appears once a contract is created and opened again. With this functionality you can add service items at once based on sales items in stead of adding these service items one by one.


Section 'General'



The name of the account the contract is created. Click on the hyperlink to open the account card.


This field is used to give an unique contract code. However you might to like to generate an uniform code to avoid unlogical contract codes. The code can be generated automatically once you select one of the setting in section 'Contracts' [Logistics, Maintenance, Settings, Settings]. The next figure gives an example of a predefine contract code:





The name of the contract. You can give any name.


This field shows you the assortment you created the contract. Only items linked to this assortment can be selected in section 'Sales', 'Service' or 'Policy'.


You can create a main contract item for every assortment. New created contracts can be linked to this main contract item. The item is than used to distinguish a contract from other contracts having different main contract items. Within one assortment you can have different main contract items. However in case only one main contract item is used for an assortment probably you like this field to be prefilled. Creating a contracts will prefill the field 'Item' automatically with the main contract item.




The calculation of the contract value is based on the choosen contract currency. Select the correct currency you like the contract to be calculated in.


You link contracts to projects. Select the correct project in the contract.


An account is linked to a division. You can see this in the account card itself in section 'Financial'. Th field division shows the division the account is linked to.

Start date

This is the start date of the contract. By default it shows the current date however you can fill in any date. The prolongation will prolong and invoice the contracts as from this start date.

Date: Prolongation

This is the date the prolongation process is started for this contract. Example: the start date is set on 01-03-2004 and the prolongation date is set on 01-01-2005. The prolongation for this contract will start at 01-01-2005 and the customer will be invoiced for ten months.

Date: Prolongation (mimimun)

This date represents the minimum prolongation date. Normally this date is the same as the prolongation date in the contract item itself. When a service item is added to the contract with an item prolongation date of 01-06-2004 than the minimum prolongation date in the contract itself is 01-06-2004. As soon a new service item is selected with a prolongation date of 01-05-2004, the minimium prolongation date is changed into 01-05-2004. This field than indicates that an item is added with a prolongation date that is before the prolongation date that first was shown in the contract. The moment the contract prolongation runs the process checks if any new items is added with a different prolongation date. The new added item will than prolonged till the next prolongation date.

Example 1:

Suppose the item prolongation date of the items in the contract is 01-06-2004 and the prolongation parameters are set to prolonge the contract per month. The minimum prolongation date show 01-06-2004. During the prolongation these items will be invoiced for one month. After the run the prolongation date is changed into 01-07-2004 as well the minimum prolongation date is changed into 01-07-2004.

Example 2:

Suppose an item is added with a prolongation date 01-03-2004. The minimum prolongation date is changed from 01-06-2004 into 01-03-2004. During the prolongation process this item will than be invoiced till 01-07-2004. This is four months. All other items are only prolonged for one month. After the prolongation run the minimum prolongation date is changed into 01-07-2004.


Final date

A customer does not want to receive a product or service anymore. Therefor the final date is used to stop the prolongation process of prolonging the contract and invocing the customer.


Exact Software B.V. uses this field to link the voucher document to the contract. This contract includes an voucher attachement (*.elc file).


Section 'Sales'


When a sales item is selected the contract shows this item instantly. The figures show that the item 'db1000' will not be prolonged like the service item 'db1000s'. The column price shows the sales price of the item. More information about the prices is explained else (under condstruction).



Section 'Services'


When a service item is selected the contract shows this item instantly. The figures show that the item 'db1000s' will be prolonged. The column price shows the sales price of the item. More information about the prices is explained else (under condstruction).



Section 'Policy'


The policy item is used to add extra information to the contract like under which condition the contract is valid.




Related Topics







 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 06.699.807
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment:

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