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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Exact.Jobs.CRM --> CRM rating


Exact.Jobs.CRM with CRMRating background job class is a background application which determines the rating of a customer based on the value of the contracts linked to the account and settings in Exact Synergy Enterprise.

The CRMRating evaluates the account and the contracts that are linked to the account. Based on the rating settings in Exact Synergy Enterprise, a rating from 1 to 7 will be given to each account that has a contract. The highest rating is 1, and the lowest rating is 7. At this moment, the rating functionality is available only for accounts with the Customer and Reseller types.

The rating rules can be maintained with the rating rules application. Each rating must have an amount range linked to it. The background job calculates the total contract amount per account combined with all subsidiaries of that account. Based on the total contract value and the rating rules, a rating will be given to each account. The total contract value is based on the totals of the item and service values. Accounts with the Exit status will not be processed by CRMRating.

Note: For CRMRating to be set up correctly, there is a setting in Exact Synergy Enterprise that needs to be configured. The rating rules should be defined at Marketing à Setup à Rating: Rule. Here you can set up the rating rules for customers and resellers.

Technical information 

The following tables are involved when running the background job:

  • cicmpy (Accounts)
  • Items (Items)
  • ItemNumbers (Contracts)
  • BacoSettings (CRMRatingLastRun – contains the last run date)
  • RatingAmounts (Rating rules)

In order to avoid updating all accounts in one run, the datemodified of the contract is used to get all the contracts that were changed. Removing this will make the upload and download unworkable because the timestamps of the cicmpy records are updated.

It is advised to schedule the application once a day at a less busy time. The application can only be executed by users with function right 337 – Allows to execute background rating application. Users with Role 0 – Administrator have this function right.

The former syntax is as follows:

C:\Program Files\Exact Software\ Exact Synergy\bin\CRMRating.exe /S:servername /D:dbname

The new syntax is as follows:

Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory> /ASSEMBLY:<bgJobs Assembly> /CLASS:<bgJobs Class>

This results in:

E:\Program Files\Exact Software\Exact Synergy\bin\Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:SynergyNET /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.CRM /CLASS:AccountRating


No parameters are available for this background process.


As the syntax of this background process is relatively straightforward, refer to the previous paragraph that describes the sample syntax.


Currently there are no known issues.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 17.769.316
 Assortment:  Date: 17-01-2012
 Release: 210  Attachment:

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