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Exact Synergy   

BacoReplicator2.exe - Background process

Background Job: BLProcess.exe


With the BacoReplicator2.exe background job you can replicate data from a number of Exact applications to Exact e-Synergy. This allows you to get a consolidated overview of a number of administrations.


Technical Information:

The tables involved when running BacoReplicator2.exe are:

  • bedryf (checking last import and adding timestamp after import)
  • CompanyLogs (log entries)
  • gbkmut (add transactions)
  • BacoDiscussions (create documents linked to transactions)
  • BacoProcessLog (log entries)
  • BacoSettings (check last import date and add timestamp after import)
  • BacoDiscussionFixedTypes (check document type to use)

When running the BacoReplicator the job will first check which backoffice application and administration is the source for the financial transaction. Then it will check when the last import took place. Based on that information it will check the source database for new, processed transactions and copy these to the table gbkmut of your Exact e-Synergy database.

Apart from the default, mandatory parameters /S: and /D: the BacoReplicator2.exe background job has one more possible parameter which is also mandatory. The /C: parameter indicates for which division financial transactions should be replicated. An example of the command line for BacoReplicator2.exe would look like this:

  • C:\Synergy\bin\BacoReplicator2.exe /S:VORS31266-1 /D:Deltabike /C:777


Settings Exact e-Synergy:

There are a number of settings that need to be setup to be able to replicate transactions with BacoReplicator2.exe. First you must make sure you setup which back office application the division is using for its financial administration and where the database of that application is located.

You can access these settings via [Financial > Maintenance > Organization > Divisions]. You can access the division card by clicking the name of the division you want to use BacoReplicator2.exe for. On the division card you see the section 'Back office'. This is where you can enter the settings needed by BacoReplicator2.

In the field Type you need to enter the type of back office application you use for your financial administration. BacoReplicator2 supports Globe 2000/2003 and Macola ES.

In the field Database: IP Address (Server) you need to enter either the name or the IP address of the server where your back office database is located. The field Database: Name contains the name of the database that is used for the financial administration of this division.

After setting up the back office settings for the division you need to indicate which document type will be used for creating the documents that are linked to the transactions in the back office. You can do this via [Financial > Maintenance > Settings > Settings].

The field Reopen: Periods (Automatically) is used to indicate that closed periods can be reopened when BacoReplicator2.exe wants to upload transactions for those periods. Not checking this option will still allow those transactions to be uploaded into Exact e-Synergy, but you will need to reopen the periods in question manually and then process the imported transactions. Both these actions can be done via [Financial > Reports > Division - Status > Management].

To set the default document type you need to select a document type via the dropdown menu of the field Documents: Type. That document type will be used for the documents linked to the imported transactions.

After these settings are setup you are ready to use BacoReplicator2.exe to import financial transactions from your back office application. Keep in mind that the transaction in the back office need to be processed or else they will not be replicated to Exact e-Synergy.

You can use the RPFinancialCheck.exe to check how many processed transactions are waiting in Globe 2000/2003 for replication to your Exact e-Synergy database. More information about this job can be found in this document: RPFinancialCheck.exe - Background Process.


Related Topics:

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 11.044.849
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment:

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