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Exact Synergy   

Projects background job


Not in use anymore in batch > 285.

The projects background job is an application that maintains the status of projects and also the members list of projects.  Previously, these functions were part of the HR background job.  They have since been separated into a different application to allow for more flexibility in terms of scheduling.


The projects background job performs two main functions:

  1. It updates project statuses based on a set of rules.
  2. It adds members to the projects.
Updating project statuses      

Status updates Rules
1 Proposed to Active
Completed to Active
There is at least one active workflow item for the project.  Active means the request is still appearing in someone's workflow and has not been completed.  The request must also have either the attribute 'Use absence planning' or 'Use resource planning' set.
2 Proposed to Completed
Active to Completed
All requests related to the project have been completed.  
3 Completed to Proposed
Active to Proposed
There is at least one open request for the project and this request is of a type that does not have the attribute 'Use absence planning' or 'Use resource planning' set.

Rule 1 will always override rule 3, so that if a project has both types of requests ('used in planning' and 'not used in planning'), it will always have the status 'Active'.

Adding members      
If a project-related request has a resource associated with it, this resource will be added as a member to the project.  The following conditions apply:
  1. The project must not have the attribute 'Visible to members' set.
  2. The resource must be of the type 'Employee', 'Contractor', 'Student' or 'Temporary'.
  3. The security level of the resource must be equal to or greater than the security level of the project.

The resource that is added as a member will have a project involvement starting date equal to the date the background job was ran.  The ending date will be left blank. 


Running the application      

The name of the executable is HrBgProj.exe and is installed in the bin subfolder of the Globe/e-Synergy installation.  It requires two parameters:

  • /S: indicates the database server name
  • /D: indicates the database name

The command c:\HRBgProg /S:nl063nt04 /D:eeptest would make the Projects background job to process data in the 'eeptest' database found on the 'nl063nt04' database server.

The background job may be ran manually from the command prompt or scheduled  to run periodically using SQL Server Agent (SSA).  The user running SSA must have access to the database and must also exist in the Globe/e-Synergy database.

The standard logging functionality is used to record all errors. To view the log in e-Synergy, please open the Process Log Report under the System tab.


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.933.725
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment:

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