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Exact Synergy   

Configuration MS SQL Server Agent




In e-Synergy several functionalities are depending on the jobs defined in MS SQL Server Agent. These jobs are scheduled and take over tasks like i.e. import financial transactions, sending mails to the mail server, calculation customer ratings. But in order to run all jobs properly as well the functionalities of e-Synergy the settings of the configuration of the SQL Server Agent must be adjusted.

In the settings of the configurations of the SQL Server Agent Service an user must be defined. This user must have access rights in e-Synergy which means that the user should have a valid Windows NT-account and that the user is an active employee in e-Synergy with the role administrator-corporate assigned him.


Configuration MS SQL Server Agent

The next list of steps should be followed in order to change the settings of the SQL Server Agent.

Start Enterprise Manager

  • Start the Enterprise Manager. 
  • Select Management and open the properties of the "SQL Server Agent". 


Adjusting fields SQL Server Agent


  • Select the first tab.
  • Field "This account": <Domain Name>\ <NT login name of the user>
  • Field "Password": <password of the user>



Be aware that when the local or domain administrator is used and when the password is changed for this administator, that also the password in the SQL Agent for the administrator is changed as well. Otherwise the Agent stops running.


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.807.470
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment:

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