Modules > System > Setup > License > Update
You can update your license whenever there are changes in your license, for example when you extend the license period, purchase new modules, or add the number of users.
During the license update process, the license modules that have been added, removed, and/or have had the quantity updated will be checked and displayed. The other differences will be ignored, for example, issue date, description, and other information.
Note that while employee and reseller credentials are allowed to download the updated license file, only customer credentials are allowed to run the update process.
Only users with the Administrator role can update the license.
The information in this document is based on product update 501. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Keep in mind:
If there are differences in the licenses, and the roles assigned must be removed, a warning message will be displayed to inform you that the roles assigned must be removed (the roles assigned must be removed because the new license contains less quantity for the specific role, or the module is not available). The Differences section will display the modules that are new, removed, or the updated license quantity. To be able to update the license, the two acknowledgement check boxes under the Portal section must be selected. Failure to do so will cause the warning message to flash twice.
If there are differences in the licenses, and the roles assigned do not have to be removed, a warning message will be displayed to inform you of the differences in the new license. To be able to update the license, the I agree and will proceed with the described update of the license for the Exact Software check box must be selected. Failure to do so will cause the warning message to flash twice.
If there are no differences between the current license and the new license, the new license will be used. However, if there are differences between the current license and the new license, a message will be displayed to inform you on the difference(s) in the license. Acknowledgement of the difference(s) is required before the license update process can continue. Failure to do so will cause the warning message to flash twice.
If the Portal option is selected at License type under the License section, the credentials will be displayed but it cannot be edited. The password will not be displayed.
If the File (.elcx) option is selected at License type under the License section, and the file has been selected at File (.elcx) under the File (.elcx) section, the file must be selected again on the warning page.
For automatic license checking, the message “A license update is available. Do you want to update now or postpone?” will be displayed if there is a license update. However, if there are no differences between the current and new license, the new license will be used. If there are differences between the current and new license, the license information page will be displayed. Acknowledgement of the difference(s) is required before the license update process can continue. Failure to do so will cause the warning message to flash twice.
You can update to a test license if the test license account number matches the account number of the current license. However, the license portal OTP is still necessary when switching from/to the reseller demo or customer demo licenses. If you are using the test license, you will see watermarks on the workflow and document pages.
Click this to exit.
Click this to update the license.
This displays the server where the database is located.
This displays the database name.
This displays the software batch number.
Select File (.elcx) to select a license file that is located in your hard disk, or select Portal to download the license file from the customer portal.
Type the directory where the license file is located or click Browse to search for the license file in your hard disk. You must choose a valid license file in the .elcx format.
Note: This field is only available when File (.elcx) is selected at License type.
When the number of active users or roles assigned has exceeded the number available in the new license, these assigned role(s) must be removed. Select this check box to remove these assigned role(s).
Type the name of the domain to which the user account belongs, such as EWEB for resellers and customers.
Note: This field is available only when Portal is selected at License type.
Type the user name used to log into the customer portal.
Type the password for the username.
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