The Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail background job performs several tasks, as described in the following:
The following tables are involved when running Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail:
When setting up the mail merge, all information will be entered in MailMergePending. The status of the mail merge is also stored in this table with the value 0, which indicates that the mail merge still has to be run and the value 1, which indicates that the mail merge task has been processed. The data that will be sent is also stored in the table via a SQL query.
When the job is running, it will check MailMergePending for new tasks and performs the tasks listed as '"to do". After processing the tasks, the status is changed to 1 and the log entries are entered BacoProcessLog. In MailMergePending, you can check which type of report has been processed or is going to be processed based on the "report type". There are seven possible values for this field:
In order to run this background job properly, two important points need to be taken into consideration on the server where this job is run:
The most important setting in Exact Synergy Enterprise for running SysHrMail can be found via HRM/Setup/General/Settings. In this screen, there are two fields available: Server and Port.
These two fields determine where the e-mails are sent to. Exact Synergy Enterprise itself is not a mail server and therefore cannot send e-mails by itself. It requires a mail server, for example from the ISP or software like Microsoft Exchange, to get e-mails to their destination. At Server, either the name or IP address from the Microsoft Exchange server is filled in, or the address of the mail server will be made available. The standard port for SMTP is 25. However, this can change based on the settings of the mail server. When these settings are not filled in correctly or not filled in at all, Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail will not be able to send e-mails or perform exports to Microsoft Excel.
You can also set up where the documents resulting from a Microsoft Excel export are created in Exact Synergy Enterprise. You can access this via System/Setup/Settings - General/Processes. You can set a default main category, category, or subcategory for all types of Microsoft Excel exports.
The command line parameters are case sensitive in Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail. The following optional parameters are supported:
Only processes account deduplication results exported to Microsoft Excel.
Only processes Microsoft Excel exports for CRM batch updates.
Only processes Microsoft Excel exports for Logistics batch item updates.
Only processes opportunity batch creation results exported to Microsoft Excel.
/X:C or CCM or CNTS or CNT
Only processes sending of emails to the selected accounts according to the following options:
Only clears up non-validated accounts.
Only processes list of requests exported to Microsoft Excel.
Only processes sending of emails to the selected accounts based on Microsoft Word template and according to the following options:
Only processes sending of emails to the selected requests according to the following options:
Only processes Microsoft Excel exports for HRM option transactions.
Only processes mail merges to be sent to the selected resources.
Only processes sending of requests to the selected resources.
Only processes creation of requests to the selected accounts according to the following options:
Only processes merging of item requests.
Only processes account list exported to Microsoft Excel.
Only processes Microsoft Excel contract exports.
Only processes Microsoft Excel financials exports.
Only processes Microsoft Excel procurement exports.
Only processes list of resources exported to Microsoft Excel.
If the parameter /X is not defined, the job will execute all process steps except for the cleaning up of non-validated accounts (/X:CL).
The following is the syntax for Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail:
"<Installation directory>\bin\Exact.Process.exe" /DBCONFIG:<database virtualdirectory entry db.config> /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail /CLASS:SysHrMail /BR:”<Installation directory>” /IBU:<URL>
Syntax example:
"C:\Program Files\Exact Software\SYNNET\bin\Exact.Process.exe" /DBCONFIG:SYNNET390 /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail /CLASS:SysHrMail /BR:”C:\Program Files\Exact Software\SYNNET\bin\Exact.Process.exe” /IBU:
When running SysHrMail, the job will enter log entries which can be viewed via System/Reports/Log/Processes. There are a few error messages which are known to be displayed in Exact Synergy Enterprise. These are due to wrong settings either in Exact Synergy Enterprise or on the server itself. The following describes the error messages and the solutions:
Permission denied — This may be displayed when the application is unable to take control of a Microsoft Excel application instance it has created to perform Microsoft Excel exports for HRM or Financials. If you encounter this error, please check the DCOM security settings for the Microsoft Excel application object. This can be done by running "DCOMCNFG" from the Run menu, selecting the Microsoft Excel application object, viewing its properties and checking the rights under the Security tab. More information can be found in technote.
Permission error when performing single mail merge — Previously, images will not be merged when performing a single mail merge. Thus, you will see [x] for all images in the mail merge document. To solve this, a "TempImages" folder has been created to temporary store all images used during the single mail merge operation for all users. To ensure that you will not encounter the error message for permission rights during the single mail merge action, the following must be carried out:
Application-defined or object-defined error or Object variable or with block variable not set — This error message may be displayed when the user running the SQL Server agent is not a domain administrator or a local administrator. The user running the SQL Server Agent must be a valid user in the Exact Synergy Enterprise database with the administrator role and have the administrator rights on the server or in the domain.
Error at create report, report name ClassesGroupsActuals, type(Financial Excel Export), creator id(ServiceSQL001). Error description - ActiveX component can't create object — This error message may be displayed when the file "ClassesGroupsActuals.xls" is not located in the folder "Synergy\rep". When the file is not there, it needs to be created. This can be an empty Microsoft Excel sheet.