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Shortlisting applicants for vacancies via matching wizard

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HRM à Reports à Matching à Profiles


The matching wizard functionality in Exact Synergy Enterprise assists you in matching applicants to a vacancy or vice versa. By defining and prioritizing relevant criteria that needs to be met to be deemed a match for the vacancy or applicant, the wizard provides a strong support to the management in the pre-selection process for applicants.

On this page, you can perform the matching process to match one applicant or more to a vacancy. The most suitable applicant to the least suitable applicant for the vacancy will be shortlisted in an ascending order based on the scores calculated. This allows you to determine the most suitable applicant to be matched and linked to the vacancy.

The matching wizard functionality is available only if the competency method is defined as Advanced in the HRM general settings. For more information, see Defining HRM general settings. The matching process can be performed only if the competency profiles of the vacancy and applicant have been created with the values of the competences defined. In addition, only competences that are linked to field types with types defined as Value and Yes/No can be used for the matching process.

Roles and rights

To perform the matching process, function right 508 – Maintain payroll components is required. Users with the HR role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 251.

How do I find applicants to be matched to vacancies?

  1. On the Matching: Profiles (Step 1 of 4) page, define the required criteria to shortlist applicants for a vacancy and fill in the relevant information.
  2. Click Next. The Matching: Profiles (Step 2 of 4) page will be displayed.
  3. Define the relevant criteria to display the relevant applicants, and then select the check boxes next the applicants who will be involved in the matching process.
  4. Click Next. The Matching: Profiles (Step 3 of 4) page will be displayed.
  5. Select the check box(es) under the Mandatory column to define the competence(s) with the specified score(s) that the applicants must fulfill to be shortlisted for the vacancy.
  6. Click Next. The Matching: Profiles (Step 4 of 4) page will be displayed.
  7. Select the shortlisted applicants to be matched to the vacancy by clicking Link.

Keep in mind:

  • You can also match applicants to a vacancy via HRM à Reports à People à Vacancies. On the HRM: Vacancies page, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Click the ID of the vacancy under the ID column to open the vacancy card, and then click Match. Alternatively, in the vacancy card, click Competency, click the hyperlink under the Description column, click Review, and then click Match.
  • All fields with the "!" icon are mandatory.

The buttons and fields are explained below, according to the process steps:

1. Step One: Selecting the ‘to be matched’ criteria.

2. Step Two: Selecting the matching entity.

3. Step Three: Selecting the matching criteria.

4. Step Four: Viewing the results of the matching process.

Step One: Selecting the ‘to be matched’ criteria


Select Vacancy to specify that you want to shortlist applicants for a vacancy.

Note: By default, Vacancy is selected.


Type or select the ID of the vacancy to specify the vacancy that you want to shortlist the applicants for. The name of the vacancy will be selected by default if you perform the matching process via the vacancy card.


Type or select the template to specify the template that you want to use for the matching process.

Note: It is mandatory to select a template or profile to be used for the matching process, but only one option can be used at any one time. To use a profile, clear this selection to enable the Profile field.


Type or select the profile to specify the profile with the competences added to the profile to be used for the matching process. The active profile of the vacancy will be selected by default if you perform the matching process via the vacancy card.

Note: It is mandatory to select a profile or template to be used for the matching process, but only one option can be used at any one time. To use a template, clear this selection to enable the Template field.



Click this to proceed to Step Two.


Click this to cancel the matching process. A message “Are you sure you want to cancel?” is displayed. Click Yes to exit the wizard, or No to close the message.

Step Two: Select the matching entity

Note: You can only select applicants with an Active status.

Source section


This displays the entity selected at Type in Step One.

Criteria section


Type or select the country code to display the applicants in the selected country. Once you have selected a country, you can view the details of the country by clicking the name of the country displayed next to the box. For more information, see Modifying country data.


Type or select the division code to display the applicants belonging to the selected division. For more information on divisions, see Overview of divisions. Once you have selected a division, you can view the details of the division by clicking the name of the division displayed next to the box. For more information, see Viewing division cards.

Cost center

Type or select the cost center code to display the applicants belonging to the selected cost center. For more information on cost centers, see Overview of cost centers. Once you have selected a cost center, you can view the details of the cost center by clicking the name of the cost center displayed next to the box. For more information, see Creating and modifying cost centers.

Physical location

Type or select the location code to display the applicants in the selected location.

Job title

Type or select the job title code to display the applicants with the selected job title. For more information on job titles, see Overview of job titles.


Type or select the ID of the vacancy to display applicants who have applied for the selected vacancy. Once you have selected a vacancy, you can view the details of the vacancy by clicking the hyperlink displayed next to the box. For more information, see Viewing vacancy cards.

Created date

Type or select a date or range of dates to display entries of the applicants that were created on the date or within the range of dates.

Note: Typing or selecting only the start of a date range will display entries of the applicants that were created on and after the defined date. Typing or selecting only the end of a date range will display entries of the applicants that were created on and before the defined date.

Application type

Select the Employee and/or Applicant check boxes to display applicants with the selected application type(s).



Click this to display a list of applicants according to the defined criteria. To select the applicants who will be involved in the matching process, select the corresponding check boxes next to the ID column.

Note: Once you have clicked this button, the name of the button will change to Refresh.


Click this to update the list of applicants according to the defined criteria.


Click this to clear the defined criteria so that you can start a new search.


Click this to return to Step One.


Click this to proceed to Step Three.

Note: You can only proceed to the next step once an applicant is selected.


Click this to cancel the matching process. A message “Are you sure you want to cancel?” is displayed. Click Yes to exit the wizard, or No to close the message.

Step Three: Defining the matching criteria


This displays the description of the profile of the vacancy. You can click the hyperlink to view and modify the details of the profile of the vacancy. For more information, see Maintaining competency profiles of job groups, job activities, job titles, projects, and vacancies.


Save template

Click this to save the matching criteria as a template. This template can be reused for the subsequent matching processes. For more information, see Saving or deleting matching templates.


Click this to return to Step Two.


Click this to proceed to Step Four.


Click this to cancel the matching process. A message “Are you sure you want to cancel?” is displayed. Click Yes to exit the wizard, or No to close the message.

Step Four: Viewing the results of the matching process

On this page, you can select the shortlisted applicants to be matched to the vacancy, create mail merge and requests, and/or reject the applications by selected applicants. You can also view the detailed results for the applicants by clicking the hyperlinks under the Score column. For more information, see Viewing detailed results of shortlisted applicants for vacancy.

Criteria section


This displays the job title and the division of the vacancy. You can view the details of the vacancy by clicking the hyperlink displayed. For more information, see Viewing vacancy cards.


Type a value or range of values to display only applicants who obtained the score defined or scores that are within the defined range.


Select Matched to display applicants who are shortlisted for the vacancy or Not matched to display applicants who do not match the vacancy. By default, Matched is selected.


Select the Linked check box to display applicants that have been linked to the corresponding vacancy and/or select the Not linked check box to display applicants that are not linked to the vacancy.



Click this to update the list of applicants according to the defined criteria.


Click this to link the selected applicant(s) to the vacancy. To link an applicant, select the check box next to the corresponding applicant, and then click Link.

Note: When an applicant is linked to the vacancy,  will be displayed under the Link column. Clicking  will direct the user to the applicant card of the corresponding applicant. In the Vacancies section of the applicant card, the name of the vacancy and the date the vacancy was matched will be displayed. For more information, see Viewing applicant cards.


Click this to reject the application(s) by the selected applicant(s).

Note: You can only reject the application by an applicant if no request is linked to the applicant.

Mail merge

Click this to create a a template of a mail merge that will be used to inform the selected applicants of the success of the matching process. For more information, see Creating mail merge via vacancy or applicant cards.

New: Request

Click this to create one or multiple requests to the manager of the vacancy or selected recipients to inform them of the results of the matching process. For more information, see Creating and modifying requests.


Click this to return to Step Three.


Click this to end the matching process and close the matching wizard.

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OH251-Shortlistingapplicantsforvacanciesviamatchingwizard-final.docx 107.8 KB View Download