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Exact Synergy   

RPFinancialCheck.exe - Background Process

Background Job: RPFinancialCheck.exe



Since batch 325 a new background application has been added to e-Synergy. The RPFinancialCheck background application will check whether the financial figures in e-Synergy are identical to the financial figures in the Globe administration for the same division. The application will check for each division per Financial Year / Financial Period / General Ledger account whether the financial figures in division currency in e-Synergy are the same as the financial figures in division currency in the backoffice.


Please note that the financial figures mentioned above are referring to processed transactions only. Therefore budgets and unprocessed transactions will not be taken into account by this application.


Apart from the check on financial figures this application also checks whether there are still processed transactions waiting to be replicated from the backoffice administration to e-Synergy.


More information about the creation of this background either in SQL or as a Windows Scheduled task can be found in this document: e-Synergy and the background applications.


Technical Information


The following database tables are used with RPFinancialCheck.exe:

  • BacoDiscussions (for creation of document with results)
  • Grtbk (general ledger accounts)
  • XMLTopicHistory (log with XML replication entries)
  • BacoProcessLog (log with background job entries)
  • Gbkmut (financial transactions)
  • BacoSettings (log: lastrundate)
  • CompanyLogs (log per division)


The RPFinancialCheck application can be run as a background job scheduled in either SQL or as a Windows Scheduled task. In the commandline of the SQL job or Windows scheduled task you must indicate which company or companies must be checked. Multiple companies can be entered separated by a comma. The commandline will then look like this:


  • C:\Synergy\bin\RPFinancialCheck.exe /S:VORS31266-1 /D:DeltaBike /C:001,300


When the job runs it will check the general ledger accounts of the e-Synergy database and the Globe database. The financial figures are compared and any differences are logged. The background job will not correct the differences. This is something the administrator has to do himself.


After the check is completed, the results are stored in the division log. The division log can be found via [Financial > Reports > Division - Status]



A more detailed description of the results can be found in a document that is created by the background job. There is a link to this document in the screen pictured above. The background job has been done for division 300 Exact Holding. You can now view the document with the detailed results by clicking on the date in the column Check - date. The first part of the document will look like this:



This first summary indicated in which periods everything is identical and in which period there are differences between e-Synergy and the backoffice. The rest of the document looks like this:



This table shows where there are differences between e-Synergy and the backoffice and what amount differs between the two databases. Based on these tables the F&A staff can investigate where the differences come from and how they can be fixed.


Settings e-Synergy


To get this background job to function properly you need to make sure the division in e-Synergy is linked to a Globe administration. You can do this via [Financial > Maintenance > Divisions]. On the division card there is a section backoffice where you need to fill in what type of backoffice application you use (Note: this background job only works with Globe 2003), which server the database is located on and what the name of the database is. In the screenshot below you can see the fields that need to be filled.






Below you see a screenshot of an error message that might be given when running the RPFinancialCheck application. This error message and most other messages are caused by the fact that no link exists between the division in e-Synergy and a backoffice administration. You should make sure this link exists by following the instructions in the previous section.



Another error message that could appear is:



This error message can be solved by linking a document type to the financial settings. This can be done via [Financial > Maintenance > Settings. After clicking 'Edit' you can select a document type for the option 'Documents: Default' as shown in the screenshot below.



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           Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
           Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
           Sub category: General  Document ID: 08.534.181
           Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
           Release:  Attachment:

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