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E-WMS (Pick-IT) CAB: CONFIG.DAT explained


The file CONFIG.DAT is used by the E-WMS CAB (not: ASP) version on a hand terminal, and is the first file opened by the software when starting E-WMS CAB. This document describes the meaning of the settings in CONFIG.DAT.



CONFIG.DAT is used by E-WMS (CAB version only) when you are working with RF or with Activesync communication. This file determines if E-WMS on the hand terminal will work with 'RF' or with 'Batch' (Activesync), for instance. This file can be present in the folder \Program Files\E-WMS (program folder), \System\E-WMS (cold boot folder for LXE) or in \Application\E-WMS (cold boot folder for Symbol/Motorola devices). In older versions, this may still be named 'PickIT' instead of 'E-WMS'.

When working with 'CAB RF', the file CONFIG.DAT has to be updated with your own SQL server and database. You can copy CONFIG.DAT from another terminal (if available), otherwise copy the file Config.dat to your desktop and edit the file with Notepad. All setting names and values are divided by the 'pipe symbol' :  |

Setting Sample value(s) Used with RF/Batch Description
conServerName RF only the name or IP-address of your Exact SQL server (preferred: IP address)
conDatabaseName   001
RF only the name of the Globe/E-WMS database
you can use two or more databases separated by ";"
conUserName       pickit RF only the name of a dedicated SQL user (should be created in SQL security as SQL login, with read/write or 'dbo' rights)
conPassword       pickit RF only the password for this SQL user
conTimeOut        20 RF only Leave at default, for troubleshooting networking problems only
conPackageSize    1024 RF only Leave at default, for troubleshooting networking problems only
conCommandTimeOut 30 RF only Leave at default, for troubleshooting networking problems only
RFBATCH           RF   determines if you are working wireless (RF) or cradled (BATCH)
UserID            JOHN RF/Batch the name of the warehouse user, using this terminal
HandterminalID    HT01 RF only unique name for this terminal, used to send pick orders to a specific scanner, or to link settings to a specific scanner
License Demo@PickIT   not used anymore
ResourceID        11 RF/Batch Default resource ID (from Globe employees) using this hand terminal
PlatformType      WCE RF/Batch WCE for Windows CE, PPC for Windows Mobile
ScannerModel   RF/Batch Symbol when working on Symbol/Motorola scanners without Datawedge, otherwise empty
ScannerButtonScan TRUE RF/Batch Enables possibility to scan keys like Next, Enter etc.
ScannerUsePrefixSuffix TRUE RF/Batch Enable when using EAN128 bar code scanning
ScannerPrefix     { RF/Batch Set to prefix '{' when using EAN128 bar code scanning
ScannerSuffix     } RF/Batch Set to suffix '}' when using EAN128 bar code scanning
LANGUAGE NL RF/Batch The language you want to use in E-WMS menu's and screens; supported are: EN, NL, PL, FR, IT.
Also see E-WMS CAB - LXE MX7 cold boot and E-WMS CAB installation procedure, section 'Language'.
RF_VOA TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Sales order fulfillment
RF_ORM TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Purchase receipts
RF_VPL TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Transfers
RF_INV TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Inventory
RF_RPL TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Replenishment
RF_MAT TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Production Issues
RF_GER TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Production Receipts
RF_VVT TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Sales transactions
RF_VPT TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Purchase transactions
RF_STT TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for Stock Transactions
RF_loc_check TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for validation of scanned warehouse locations
RF_item_check TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for validation of scanned item codes or scan codes
RF_settings TRUE RF/Batch Determines whether to use RF for reading WMS general - and scanner settings
BarcodeType EAN128 RF/Batch Set to "EAN128" when EAN128 bar codes are scanned, so EAN128 decoding has to be started. Set to (empty) when EAN128 decoding is not be used.
Filename* ZNDORDER.XML Batch File names to be used for each transaction. The same file name should be configured in the general WMS settings for each module. These settings are best left at their default values.


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