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Exact Financials   

Connectivity Manual - VAT codes

File name: btwtrs.csv

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Remarks Default
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company * -
2 vat-code CHAR A3   VAT code - -
3 descr CHAR A30   Description - -
4 code-ps INT N1   Purchase/Sales * 3
5 vat-transfer LOG J/N   VAT charged - N
6 vat-perc DEC N3,2   VAT percentage - 0
7 vat-descr CHAR A16   Description VAT percentage - -
8 exclus INT N2   Including/Excluding * -
9 country CHAR A3 countr Country EC sales list - -
10 vat-listing INT N2   EC sales list * -
11 acc-nr CHAR A9 ledger Account VAT to claim * -
12 acc-nr-vat-sales CHAR A9 ledger Account VAT to pay * -
13 empty - - - - - -
14 credit-note LOG J/N   Credit note * -
15 cred-vat-code CHAR A3 vattrs VAT code credit notes - -
16 empty - - - - - J
17 descr-ml[1] CHAR A30   ML description 1 - -
18 Descr-ml[2] CHAR A30   ML description 2 - -
19 Descr-ml[3] CHAR A30   ML description 3 - -
20 Descr-ml[4] CHAR A30   ML description 4 - -
21 Descr-ml[5] CHAR A30   ML description 5 - -

Clarification of the fields:

Field Clarification
1 This field is only a part of the import format, when the option 'Company number' is enabled. When this option is not enabled, this field should be skipped.
4 The field should contain one of the following values:
  1. Purchase
  2. Sales
  3. Both

If this field is left empty, 3 (both) will be used.

This field can not be changed, when updating existing data, but only when creating new VAT codes.

8 This field should contain one of the following values:
  1. Exclusive
  2. Inclusive
  3. Not needed

If this field is not filled, 3 (not needed) will be used.

10 This field should contain one of the following values:
  1. No VAT listing
  2. Listing
  3. Listing goods to be processed
  4. Dispatch process/production work
  5. Three way transaction

If this field is not filled and the field code-ps is set to both 1 will be entered.

11,12 The accounts entered in these fields may not be empty or journal accounts.
11 This field will always be made empty when 'vat-percentage' is set to 0 or the 'code-ps' is purchase.
12 This field will always be made empty when 'vat-percentage' is set to 0 or the 'code-ps' is sales & vat-transfer=false.
14 This functionality is only used for Belgium. If Belgian functionality is not used, then the value of this field will always be set to 'N'.
15 This functionality is only used for Belgium. This field can only be filled if the field 'credit-note' is set to 'J'.

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Finance > VAT codes

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.324.734
 Assortment:  Date: 02-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: