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Connectivity Manual - EDIS - Starting the interface

Starting the interface

Activate the link

Activate the link in [EDIS: Master data, Maintenance, Data pathways].

Start transaction and poll translation

Start transaction and poll translation, and poll for data to be created in [EDIS: Processing, Transaction poll & translation]. In this screen you can specify the actions to be performed under 'Specify processing types'. If you want to perform all three actions at once, then you can select three actions. If you want to decide to split up the actions, then select the action to perform. Under 'Miscellaneous' you can indicate whether you want to delete the files after processing. Fast processing is possible when the following requirements are met:

  • The following options should be enabled: 'Waiting for processing', 'Waiting for import', 'Handled, waiting for pickup' and 'Delete after processing'.
  • The records to be processed should be single records.

If any errors occur, the normal procedure will be followed, so that you can have insight in the type of error. The 'Fast processing' option increases the speed approximately twofold.

You can also set how many seconds the application must wait for new input, before closing. If you enter 0 here, the process will be performed continuously. It is also possible to set how the process must be performed. There are three possibilities depending on your license: Screen, Scheduler or Background.

Manage postbox

In [EDIS: Processing, Manage postbox], you can find the status of the records that have been transferred. You can delete refused records here, or try to re-post them to Exact. You can also 'Unlink' records'. This is only possible in the following situations:

  • A record of the third application has the status 'Failure'. This means that EDIS has tried to transfer a record from the third application to Exact Financials using the link rules. This all happens in EDIS. If the 'Unlink' button is used, the status of the record will be set back to 'Waiting for processing' and then the link rules can be adjusted.
  • A record in 'Exact' has the status 'Refused'. This means that EDIS has tried to put the data from the EDIS database through to the Exact Financials database, but it has not succeeded. When the 'Unlink' button is used the Exact record will be deleted and the record will get the status 'Waiting for processing' in the "third application".

You can also see the messages that have been created by EDIS. The following statuses are possible:

Waiting for pickup 1001
Done 1002
Failure 1003
Waiting for processing 1004
Waiting for confirmation 1005
Refused 1006
Done waiting for pickup 1007
Refused waiting for pickup 1008
Busy 1009

The chart below shows you the flow:

Foreign application

In the foreign application, you will have to handle records that have been refused by the EDIS database. The records that have refused should be handled in the foreign application.

Connectivity Manual > Contents > EDIS > Example > Starting the interface

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 18.326.565
 Assortment:  Date: 05-12-2008
 Release:  Attachment: