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E-WMS - how the setting 'back order lines' works



This documents describes how the E-WMS 'Back order lines' setting works. 


In the E-WMS settings for Sales Order Fulfillment and Receipt Registration, section 'Send to scanner', the setting 'Back order lines' can be enabled or disabled.

This setting determines if 'future' (=back order) order lines are sent 'picking' or not, when sending a sales- or purchase to the hand terminal to be picked. This setting is only applied in the step 'send to HT', not in the advice calculation of Route Optimizing.

Besides this setting, also the date selection in the Control Center determines what lines are sent 'picking'. 

These sample scenarios best describe the working of the setting 'Back order lines'.

#   Order has ... Setting
'back order lines'
Control Center date selection Result
1   only back order (future) lines ON 'All' enabled All lines are sent 'picking'
2   only back order (future) lines ON 'All' disabled = 'today' selection active Order not visible in Control Center
3   only back order (future) lines OFF 'All' enabled Error report 'Not allowed: Send to scanner / Export file (All items are on back order.)'
When using Route Optimizing, the 'future' lines will stay in status 'Advice'.
4   only back order (future) lines OFF 'All' disabled = 'today' selection active Order not visible in Control Center
5   back order + 'today' lines ON 'All' enabled All lines are visible, all lines are sent 'picking'
6   back order + 'today' lines ON 'All' disabled = 'today' selection active Only 'today' lines are visible, only lines with fulfillment date 'today' are sent 'picking'
7   back order + 'today' lines OFF 'All' enabled All lines are visible, only lines with fulfillment date 'today' are sent.
When using Route Optimizing, the 'future' lines will stay in status 'Advice'.
8   back order + 'today' lines OFF 'All' disabled = 'today' selection active Only 'today' lines are visible, only lines with fulfillment date 'today' are sent 'picking'
9   only lines for 'today' (or earlier) ON 'All' enabled All lines are sent 'picking'
10   only lines for 'today' (or earlier) ON 'All' disabled = 'today' selection active All lines are sent 'picking'
11   only lines for 'today' (or earlier) OFF 'All' enabled All lines are sent 'picking'
12   only lines for 'today' (or earlier) OFF 'All' disabled = 'today' selection active All lines are sent 'picking'

Unfortunately, this setting was not correctly applied in some E-WMS releases. From product update 399, the setting works as described above.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 21.252.610
 Assortment:  Date: 11-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment:

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