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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Items


File name: items.csv

Nr Field name Type Length Ref. Description Remarks Default
1 item_code CHAR A20 - Item code - -
2 descr CHAR A40 - Description - -
3 short_desc CHAR A13 - Short description -
4 item_type INT N6 - Item type 23901/23902/23903 See below 
5 itemgroup_code CHAR A8 lligrp Item group Mandatory -
6 unit_code CHAR A8 units Unit Mandatory -
7 stock_item LOG True/False - Stock item - ?=False
8 vat_code_sales CHAR A3 vattrs VAT code sales - -
9 revenue_statistics LOG True/False - Revenue statistics - ?=True
10 sales_price DEC N9,3 - Sales price - -
11 standard_cost_price DEC N9,3 - Standard cost price - -
12 vat_code_purchase CHAR A3 vattrs VAT code purchase - -
13 empty - - - - - -
14 item_text CHAR A2000 - Text - -
15 descr_ml CHAR A40 - Multi language description 1 - -
16 descr_ml CHAR A40 - Multi language description 2 - -
17 descr_ml CHAR A40 - Multi language description 3 - -
18 descr_ml CHAR A40 - Multi language description 4 - -
19 descr_ml CHAR A40 - Multi language description 5 - -
20 discontinued_item LOG True/False - Discontinued item - ?=False
21 text_item LOG True/False - Text item - ?=False
22 get_receipt LOG True/False - Receipt - ?=False
23 location_code CHAR A8 fas_loc Location - -

Clarification of the fields

LOG fields: True = Yes, False = No

4 23901 = purchase item (Will be used as default if "?" or "0" is entered, when neither sales order nor invoice is in license)

23902 = sales item (Will be used as default if "?" or "0" is entered, when sales order or invoice is in license)

23903 = both

8 The VAT codes should be of the type 'Sales' or 'Both'.
12 The VAT codes should be of the type 'Purchase' or 'Both'.
14 This field will only be used if field 21 (text_item) is set to 'True'.

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > Data import > Exact Sales C/S > Items

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.833
 Assortment:  Date: 09-09-2005
 Release:  Attachment: